Thank You For Helping Our Family
UPDATE AS OF 12/07/17
Great News! Cody and Emma will be completely out of foster care by the middle of the month. It's been hard on them going back and forth plus they have a full schedule. We want to take this opportunity to thank the foster parents. They are a very special family that have helped Rose and the Children so much. We wouldn't have been able to come this far without them. We will always cherish the love and support they've given us during a great time of need. Rose has never been involved with social services in the past so it's hard for her and her family to understand why this process is so slow especially since she wasn't the one that abused them. She makes less money in Maryland than she did in North Carolina but the cost of living is so high in Maryland. Without the love and support from you good people she would have never been able to afford to stay and do what they wanted to get the kids back. God Bless all of you for helping bring a family back together. We pray that when they go to court on Dec 13th the judge will say enough is enough go home to North Carolina and let DSS NC do the follow up home studies. If not they will be separated from the rest of their family until possibly March but still together every day trying to keep everything afloat and not miss any appointments. Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts for all the help my family has been given. There aren't enough words that can express how grateful we are.
UPDATE AS OF 08/24/2017
One Big Happy Family!
See Petition Here:
Link to the Interview:
Suit Yourself's Video to Reel of Abuse:
Nerd City:
2 1/2 years ago, my son Cody went to stay with his dad and step mom for 6 months and never came home. His father and step mother changed the papers and stole him from me. December 2015 they took Emma from me. Due to failings of the court system of North Carolina, I lost them. This past August a friend brought it to my attention the YouTube page Daddy0five. On this page, their father and stepmother post videos of "pranks" where Emma and Cody and their step brother's are physically, verbally and emotionally abused. We filed reports with NC police and social services and they in turn called Maryland police and social services. But in Maryland, what goes on in the videos is considered corporal punishment. THIS IS WRONG! This is abuse in every form of the word and the parents get paid money for abusing these kids. They need to be removed and given back to me their real mother. But to do so, we need help to get through to Maryland social services. Please help us. Thank you.
Rose Hall
DaddyOFive and MommyOFive need to be stopped.
I'm Your Humble Host. I'm an acquaintance of Rose E Hall and serving as her megaphone I stepped in due to being a past victim myself of child abuse. I was horrified by their videos and Rose reached out to me on their channel. So here I am lending a helping hand.