Save-A-Cop IFAK program
Everyday Police officers put their lives on the line to serve and protect. Drugs and violence are at an all time high and the police have become targets. We are working to make sure every police officer has the education and the equipment to save themselves or the life of their partner in case they were to be shot. Precious time ticks away, as a police officer bleeds out.
This program will be taught to any and all police officers willing to learn for free in Indiana. This go fund me page is to provide the needed IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) kits, containing the needed tourniquets and bleeding control dressings giving them a chance to survive. Within seconds, knowing what to do can save their lives until more advanced medically trained responders can take over treatment.
We are a 501-c-3 group from Northwest Indiana, dedicated to helping Law enforcement save eachother. The instructors were trained at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in South Carolina.
Each kit costs approximately $110.00, a small price to pay for a life. Due to cuts in public safety money over the past several years, departments can not afford to cover these kits or classes for their officers.
If you are interested in a corporate sponsorship, sponsoring a whole department or direct purchase options, please contact Gary McKay at [email redacted] for information.
On 3/20/2016 Deputy Carl Koontz of Howard County, Indiana, died as a result of a gunshot wound. With proper training, in his memory, we hope to never lose another one. Any donation will help, give as little or as much as you are able to fund this very important equipment.