Save Ayden Brown
Ayden is running out of time, he is in dyer need of adequate medical attention. His Cancer has progressed to stage 4 and he is now deemed terminal. My son is up crying every night in severe pain. His pain medications are not working and are adding to his pain with constipation. His doctor is now suggesting radiation that they have avoided this whole time. A gerneral radiation will kill Ayden and we are trying to get him to a Proton Radiation Therapy Center, to get him a small direct radiation, to give Ayden a fighting chance. Because I do not have insurance, we are not being given the opportunity to have a second opinion and have new doctors look at his scans. The only way I can make this possible is to pay for the visits myself. My son is in pain everyday, you can see the tumor coming out of his chest, and there is nothing I can do to stop his pain. Our options are now to relocate to Texas Chidlrens hospital or pay 60k to get him to Germany. I am begging you all to help me save my son, dont let him die. Please help us save Ayden Brown.
My little boy Ayden Brown has been battling aveolar rhabdomyosarcoma for almost 2 years. Aydens cancer is stage 3, and his tumor is located in the plural lining of his lung. This is an extremely rare form of Rhabdomyosarcoma, because of where the tumor is located. Ayden has gone through two cycles of chemotherapy and his last cycle did not work, so his tumor has grown by 75%. The doctors are now starting Ayden on the last combination available for chemotherapy. Ayden will only be able to handle this combination for five months before his body can't handle anymore chemo. Ayden is in desperate need of surgery to remove this tumor, but the doctors are unable to operate so far. Our other option is radiation and this will change everything about my son and will give him constant complications for the rest of his life. There are many other options out there to save Ayden and we have reached the point in his treatment where the doctors will now allow me to explore those options. Ayden has fought through almost 2 years of chemo, needles, and hospitals he doesn't deserve any of this. Please help me and my son, I am desperate and I cannot imagine life without my little boy. There has to be a cure, we just need to find it. Please share my son's story with everyone you meet, the more people who know about his disease, the more options are available for Ayden. There are many treatments but we need the support of our family and friends to open these doors for Ayden. Ayden is my only child, his life matters, and cancer will not take him away. If Ayden is unable to operate we will then be able to go to St. Jude to see what options are available there. The social worker told me to make memories with my son and cherish every moment, but I will never count him out. I am his mother it's my job to fight, its my job to protect ayden, and it's my job to find a solution so Ayden can live his life. So please I am begging everyone I know or who knows of Ayden, dont let my son become a satistic, help me find him a treatment that can save his life. Options are out here we just need to be able to obtain them. He is all I Have, I cant, we cant loose. # Teamayden #saveaydenbrown