Wild Horse Hay Fund
Donation protected

We only ever ask for help with hay for these beautiful pregnant wild rescue horses in need that we take in. A winter of hay is over $30,000 at a minimum for the number of horses we take in needing to gain weight and we have set the fundraiser at $30k in hopes to have a successful fundraiser to get as close to the goal as possible while hay is still available to buy. Our original plan is to bring in pregnant mares from the wild herds to save their lives but hay is our stopping point now, without it, we cannot save them.
Our original hay guy who stocked us with over 100 tons each winter has no hay available this year.. this is a major set-back, especially with rising hay costs.
That also means we cannot save the ones needing to be brought into safety soon. This is for the minimum adult pregnant mares we are wanting to bring in this winter. We saved many last year, foals, pregnant mares and a few stallions.
We buy the panels, grain, fencing, equipment, pay for vet expenses, farriers and whatever else is needed out of our own pockets ... please if you can spare a $5 espresso or latte' and pass this along to all your friends... sharing is caring and rescuing is saving lives.
We are already getting calls on horses in desperate need: it's going to be a cold, hard, sad winter....
Anyone know of a farmer willing to donate hay, please let us know, other wise we will keep trying to fund-raise on top of our own personal money to get as much hay as we can since we lost our hay supplier we've had for so many years but it is getting scary.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your support financially and for sharing our posts, we will do everything we can to save all we can. It all comes down to the hay......
Our own horses’ hay will be paid for by ourselves. The wild horses medical, minerals, vitamins, paddocks, fencing, shelters, training, equipment and all other needs we will take care of one way or another ourselves as well. We are simply asking for help raising hay money throughout the time these horses will be with us... and so we can keep helping new ones as current ones get adopted....
This fundraiser helps us to keep wild mares in late term foal (and several new ones as they come in) from going to slaughter, being killed or dying from starvation.
This fundraiser started from our regular hay guy who ran out of hay so we had to get another 20 tons from another hay guy. The hay looked great on the outside: top, bottom and all around the sides, we even pulled it back to look a few inches inside and it was very nice…When we started to use it this winter, it was still GREAT looking on the outside since it was kept undercover, but as we peeled back the first several inches, it was rotten molded disgusting hay that is completely un-usable with mud chunks inside as well. The powder moldy dust is horribly unbreathable! Over 3 tons into this hay, we have realized, there is no hope for any of it since it all came from the same pasture land bailed at the same time but we will still open every single bale “just in case” we can use a single piece of it. The photos show the gross hay: the mold, dust and we tried to show how the outside looked so good until you got several inches in… all the way to the center: unusable. We cannot “sue” this hay guy, hay is purchased ‘as is’ from private sellers… but it’s a lesson learned. We need all our hay from reliable hay people from now on!
ALL money from this fundraiser will go directly to ensure we get enough for these wild horses paid for that they’ll need for gaining weight and healthy foals.
We are able to handle all sizes of hay: large/small squares and rounds!
If you are against helping to save wild horses, I understand, it is controversial…. but for us, the idea of them going to slaughter is not one we could sleep with: let alone the late term pregnant mares being slaughtered and their foals ripped out and killed too….No, this is unconscionable to us. We cannot save them, but one at a time....is all we ask for help with...
If you can help this fundraiser, we thank you, if you cannot donate, PLEASE share this far and wide. Every dollar will help these incredible horses.
I am NOT a 501c3 rescue, we are simply a few regular people trying to help special horses that need it and keep them from terrible fates they do not deserve. We hope you can find it in your hearts to spare a few dollars, share and care. We have many people who visit the horses and have adopted from us so you can ask for references if you'd like prior to donating, we love to share our success stories!

If you are interested in adopting one of these wonderful wild horses, let us know!

Trina Smith
Tonasket, WA