Help Me See The World .
Im a disabled carpenter who after loosing the ability to use my left hand lost everything, I was living homeless and activly looked for work. One day while working a job we recovered a sail boat that had been busted up, still inside were alot off personal possessions, and after looking for the owner for quote sometime i finally found him. When I talked to the guy he offered the boat to me.. and it had been one of my life long dreams to own a sail boat... any way I received a huge blessing no I'm suprrThis is a hand.. so now I have a roof but massive holes in the side... me me down from an avid sailor who got to a point were he was unable to repair and sail this piece of history any longer. At one time this 27 foot yacht was the envy of the sailing world... Unfortunately this boat has been neglected and in the midst of not being used, took on alot off damage. Including five holes, deep gouges, dedeteriorating lines, broken cables, ripped sails, faded paint and cracked and peeling varnish, bolts and hardware are loose and missing and some broken..
I have a desire, the dedication, time , and patience, to restore this true sportsman's boat. And then sail it around the world exploring what the word has to offer..