Equipment to help me do what I do!
Yes, I'm in trouble. I'm using my creativity to do a lot and most of it for free. However, that also means that I'm on a very tiny budget. Unfortunately there's no room to replace broken tools, car parts and in this case an exploded PC. I'm calling out to my friends to help me out. I already received a lot of help from the on-line woodworking community, by members sending me machine parts and tools, but this time the problem is bigger.
I do live in "the middle of nowhere", surrounded by beautiful nature and lovely people who, sadly, are sometimes in an even worse situation than I am. So, no, it's not a life threatening thing, but on the other hand, a computer is one of my most important tools to communicate and be of service to others:
*making free video content on low-budget woodworking and recycling.
*inviting (amateur) musicians to our little paradise and recording their music and helping out with video-clips.
*making posters and flyers for local events, helping out with administration, being one of the few in the village with an internet connection.
You could say I'm trying to secure the contact with the world as the old "linux" laptop I'm typing this message on, is rapidly aging and close to it's end of being useful.
It's a new experience, looking for funds online, but any donation will be helpful and very much appreciated! In the case of raising more funds than needed for a PC, all will be spend on making my workshop / studio / guesthouse even more (free) accessible for others.
In short; I just need a bit of help. Of course I will try to make it up to any one that is so kind to make a donation, by returned favours and of course keep them up to date on how their contribution is used. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Gerrit Klaassen