SEC Supports Grenfell Tower Tragedy
My name is Pastor Emmauel Osei and I currently serve as the President of the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
On Wednesday 14th June 2017, we woke up to the dreadful news that flames had engulfed the Grenfell Tower in West London.
After visiting the area today to bring donations and spending time with many of those affected by this tragedy, as a church we have been moved to want to do more for the victims of this tragedy.
Many residents of Grenfell Tower have literally lost everything overnight. Whilst we cannot bring back anyone who has tragically lost their lives, we want to help support the individuals and families who are about to begin rebuilding their lives.
We have many members around the South of England who are unable to make donations in person, so we have started this account to allow those of you who are unable to travel to be able to participate in our unified effort to help those in need.
We will be donating food, drink, water, clothes, mobile phone chargers, toiletries etc to those who are in need and we need your help. For those of you who are able to travel to West London, we are accepting donations at the London Live SDA Church (Notting Hill Community Church, opposite 23 Kensington Park Road, W11 2ES).
It's time for us to engage in practical Christianity and be there for our brothers and sisters in their time of need. It's time for us to come together and demonstrate Christ's love.
We are kindly requesting that you give what you can. ALL funds raised will go towards helping the people whose lives have been devastated by this awful tragedy.
The South England Conferece of Seventh Day Adventists is a registered charity (Charity Number: 1045587)