Patriots STANDING UP to Tyranny!
County officials attack constitutionalists! Watch this VIDEO... Patriots could face YEARS behind bars for standing up and demadning a judge follow the law! Support this stand.
1: What Started it all:
On 01/15/15 Gavin Seim and a group of about 20 patriots stood against the Kangaroo Court in Douglas County WA after they started removing patrots from the courtroom. It was all caught on the video and it helped reveal the massive abuse of justice and due process that is rampant all over America.
2: The Fallout:
Patriots started calling in from all over the county when the words got out. The video has been exploding, but Douglas County is charging Gavin and Grant with 5 collective crimes. No plea deals. They are going to a trial bu jury.
3: The End Game.
This is bigger than a local issue. Patriots are fighting back and need your help. First it's going to trial in the local courts. The the hope is to expand into higher courts and make on example of the criminals running this county. We need to inspire others to stand up to injustice all over the nation. The more you support us, the more we can do.
Read the whole story the blog post here!
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People are being abuse don out courts all over America and they are afraid to stand up.
Judges have to follow the Constitution too. It's time we started standing up to them.
After we were arrested, Tell Shasteen was subsequently convicted on false charges using a tainted jury and constant violations of due process. Why did it all happen? Because Tell asked a police officer a question at a traffic stop. Tell is appealing and we are working together on this.
The stand comes at a heavy price. But this can be a VICTORY. This is not our first stand. We cracked open the door and are just getting started with an example of exposing tyranny and how much power the people hold if they STAND UP!
We will us the money for expenses and legal fees related to the fight. It's not going to be an easy one. But we have an opportunity to stand here and we need to hit back hard.
We are not taking plea deals. We are taking the battle to tyranny, exposing this tyranny and have secured renown Constitutional attorney Stephen Pigeon to represent them.
It's time to take back our courts. Help that stand begin here in Douglas County and let's make an example of these tyrants for all of America!
Read the whole story the blog post here!