Send Angela to Bethel BSSM!
Hey guys!
As some of you may know, I will be moving to the U.S in August to attend Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry! I am grateful for the opportunity, as it will equip and empower me to better serve Him and His kingdom :) This experience will no doubt challenge and grow my faith and intimacy with the Lord, and I'm excited to be able to go on this new adventure! God has been reminding me that He is ever so faithful, and has been revealing Himself as my provider, so I'm placing my trust in Him for this trip.
However, in order to get there, I need your help!
I have raised enough money to cover my flight and tuition expenses (praise God!), but I still have to raise $7,200 to cover living expenses (apartment & food for 9 months).
I hope to raise all of my expenses by August 1st, which gives us 7 days to work towards this goal!
Whether it's financially giving or prayerfully supporting me, I really appreciate your time and investment!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, feel free to reach out to me :) Thanks everyone!
By His Grace,
你們有些人應該知道我在八月的時候即將要到美國BSSM就讀將近一年的書!我非常的期待也對於能有這個機會感到非常的興奮, 我相信在那邊的時間我能夠學習更多, 也能夠為了更多、更好的服侍神還有其他人而被裝備!這個經驗毫無疑問的將會是我在成長上還有與神的關係的挑戰, 神不斷的提醒我祂是一位信實的神, 而我必須要將我的信心放在祂身上, 因為祂是我的神、我的天父、我的供應者。
為了要順利的到那邊唸書, 我需要你們的幫忙!
不管是金錢上的支持或是為我的這趟旅程禱告, 我都非常感謝你們所在我身上花的時間還有投資!
如果你有任何問題或想要知道更多, 都歡迎跟我聯絡!謝謝你們!