Serenitys Ovarian Cancer Journey
Serenity is a beautiful happy little girl. In March / April of 2016. We noticed that her tummy was getting bigger, and at the time, we just thought she was finally gaining weight. Within 8 weeks she looked 9 months pregnant. We booked a doctor's appointment with our family Dr. Upon seeing her, he scheduled an X-Ray and then an emergency Ultrasound. Within three weeks we had an appointment with a specialist in Regina. We were told there was a large Mass and they believed it was a Teratoma tumour. Our lives shattered in front of us. But we never gave up hope!
At the age of 7, my Granddaughter Serenity. Underwent surgery, in May of 2016, to have a 5 pound tumour removed. It started on her left ovary, and was also attached to her tube and at the time they couldn’t find her right ovary. In June of 2016 she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. At that time they decided to just monitor her. When they removed the 1st tumour, it left behind seedlings which could start a new tumour at any given time. In Oct 2016 she underwent a second surgery. At that time, they decided to start Chemotherapy. She went through 3 rounds, 3 days and 6 1/2 hours each day. In February of 2017, they found another tumour in-between her bowels and her intestines. So she went through a 3rd surgery to have it removed. In August of 2017 we received the news that they found 2 tumour on her right side of her ovaries. As well, they said she had 2 markings in her lungs that they were concerned about. So they sent her for yet another PET scan and then informed us, that there were 2 more tumour which were in her lungs.
We have had many issues along the way and her Oncologist in Regina informed us, that there was nothing more he could do for her. That this is beyond him. So he sent us to Winnipeg. After going to her 1st appointment in Winnipeg we were very disappointed, as the surgeon informed us "I haven’t even had a look at her file.” They then told us we were just there for a consultation and sent us back to Regina.
I took it upon myself to reach out to other centres and Dr’s. We are still waiting to hear back from a Dr. in Toronto, but in the meantime, I had her file sent to the Mayo clinic in Rochester.. I have heard back from them and they are wanting to see Serenity... now here is where we need help. The cost for an appointment is $7000 U.S. funds. This does not cover any testing they may require. Let alone getting us there and back. She has also had a cancer researcher in New York City. That says the Dr’s here will have seen, very few or no cases like this. As it is extremely rare!
I am trying to do the best for Serenity but i am struggling as I am a single parent and doing this all on my own. Serenity & I Thank You for reading our story and for considering making a donation. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️