Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Shane Reed, Cancer Treatment

Beschermde donatie

Shane is an amazing father to his children.  He is an amazing husband to his beautiful wife, Cyndee.  

He has been battling a rare cancer for many years. There is hope in a new treatment, but time is short.

He has a chance at a few more great years with his family, if he gets a special treatment in Texas, that is not yet FDA Approved.  So, insurance won't cover the cost.  He needs this treatment immediately.  

Time is of the essense.  Shane needs these funds to be able to get the  treatment, and we are asking for your help.

Help this great husband, father, brother and son spend more time with his family.

Be generous.  Every dollar makes a difference.

Limitless has also partnered with Shane to help him get his goal.  TWO WAYS TO DONATE.  If you would like a ticket for 2 people and attend the Limitless Seminar, HALF OF ALL PROCEEDS IN TICKET SALES will be given to Shane for his treatment.  Go to www.limitlessseminar.com and purchase your $99 tickets for 2 people.


Here is a brief message from Shane --

Friends and family,
Most of you are aware of the health challenges I have been facing lately, but I don't think I have ever posted anything about it on my Facebook page. So this is news to some of you. In September 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer with liver metastases.

Although this can be a slow-growing cancer it has started to grow fast. I really don't want to make this a long post but since there have been two different fundraisers started for me and shared on Facebook I felt I should say something, for those who didn't know yet.

Everyone always ask me what they can do to help and I never really know how to answer that. I have struggled in the past with the attitude that I don't need help, and I can do it myself. I've since learned however that it is not a sign of weakness to admit you need help. I have been blessed with wonderful friends and family that are showing up big time in my life. Thank you all so much!!

For more information on Limitless and the amazing impact it has had on me and my family please PM me.

Love you all!!
Shane Reed

Illustratie van helpende handen

Doneer $100 om deze inzamelingsactie te helpen zijn doel te bereiken

Doe een donatie
Doe een donatie


  • Tadd and Jordyn Green
    • $25
    • 8 jaar
  • Anoniem
    • $10.000 (Offline)
    • 8 jaar
  • Anoniem
    • $10.000 (Offline)
    • 8 jaar
  • Jacqueline & Cleve Smith
    • $2000 (Offline)
    • 8 jaar
  • Mark Gibbons
    • $50
    • 8 jaar
Illustratie van helpende handen

Doneer $100 om deze inzamelingsactie te helpen zijn doel te bereiken

Doe een donatie
Doe een donatie

Organisator en begunstigde

Jacqueline Barlow Smith
Coalville, UT
Shane Reed

Jouw gemakkelijke, krachtige en vertrouwde plek voor hulp

  • Gemakkelijk

    Doneer snel en gemakkelijk

  • Krachtig

    Help rechtstreeks de mensen en doelen die jij belangrijk vindt

  • Vertrouwd

    Je donatie wordt beschermd door de GoFundMe Donatiegarantie