Farewell Fund for Jacqueline Maidana
Link to RSVP to attend the memorial service September 19, either in person or on Zoom:
Celebration of a Life:
for Jacqueline Lucette Maidana
Memorial Service
at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst
121 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA
Those who wish to attend are asked to:
be fully vaccinated,
wear a face mask,
maintain social distance ~
Far flung family and friends will participate via Zoom.
Kindly email Jacqueline's sister, Karen Dahl, if you wish to join us in person at the church or for instructions to join the Zoom meeting:
[email redacted]
Following the celebration, several friends will join family members in Rockport, MA to disperse Jacqui's ashes. Please email Karen if you would like to participate in this final farewell
Jacqueline Maidana, devoted friend, neighbor, teacher, civic activist, artist, gardener, lover of nature, passed from this earth after a fierce battle with pancreatic cancer at 5:55 PM on Monday, July 26.
She had been receiving paliative care at Fisher House Hospice in Amherst MA and recieved company from many of her friends who were able to travel there. Her sister, Karen Dahl, is planning a memorial service for Jacqueline Sept 19, 2-4 pm. See above information.
If you still wish to contribute to this Go Fund Me campaign, I will leave the campaign open for a while especially to accommodate those who may not have heard about the situation until more recently.
Many many thanks from me personally and from her family. We exceeded our initial goal of $20,000 and raised $22,000 for her end of life expenses. Jacqueline was stunned to see how many people expressed their love and caring through their donations and heartfelt notes. It was great to see her get to know that while she was still here.
Judy Phelps and Friends of Jacqueline
***Funds will be withdrawn by Judy Phelps, retired teacher and adjunct professor, and a cofounder of CATS (Connecticut Argentine Tango Society), sister tango community to Valley Tango. All funds will be disbursed to Jacqueline’s family to pay her outstanding medical and final expenses.***
Judy Phelps
More about Jacqueline:
Jacqueline Maidana is a Boston-born Red Sox fan who relocated to Northampton in the 1970s as a single mom. She lived near the Lilly Library in Florence for years, where many recognized her as the one with the great hats and gardens, even if they did not know her name. There she also had artist studio space, where she began a postage-stamp milonga, a party for people to dance Argentine tango, at the moment when Americans began to rediscover the dance of the country where her father had grown up.
When she moved to Clark House in downtown Amherst, it was a return to the place where she had earned her undergraduate degree in the UMass program for nontraditional students. She rented a corner in a shared studio up a narrow stairway in the center of Amherst and immersed herself in civic life, serving for many years in Amherst Town Meeting representing District 5, and on the Town Meeting Coordinating Committee.
Jacqueline remained connected to Florence with her Valley Tango show every Wednesday at Valley Free Radio where she shared music, readings, and community announcements.
Wherever Jacqueline has gone, she is known for her passions: for dance, plants, the beach and wild water of any kind, the beauty and challenge of both the natural world and works of art, and for making the world a better place.