Help Susan Shannon
This is Susan Shannon. She came forward and named the man whom she claims raped her in 1986. Now she is being sued for defamation in Virginia for $2,350,000 (yes, over $2 million!) This country allows free speech. Should any man, rich or poor, be permitted to rape and then use the court room to take revenge upon his victim for speaking out? My good friend, Susan, recently wrote about her rape while she was a third year Cadet at West Point Military Academy in 1986. She is a blogger dedicated to Christ's truth and was attempting to help women in the military by revealing her own humiliating story in 2013. The man whom Susan has accused of rape has since sued Susan for defamation, claiming that her story is false and that she should pay him for writing about it. He wants to silence her forever. Susan may run out of money before she ever makes it to trial next year. If she does, not only will she owe this man millions of dollars, but he will crow that she lied about the rape. Worse than this, all women from that date forward will also be silenced through this case!Should women be allowed to discuss sexual assaults? Yes. But today, truth has a price. That price is about to become intolerable for all women. Reporting sexual assaults carries a heavy social stigma to begin with. The perpetrators often state that the victim made up the story or invited the assault. This tactic is designed to place the victim on the defensive, and to discourage others from coming forward. Susan’s case, however, is a landmark case as it now places an enormous financial burden on a woman for even speaking about her rape publically. Wealthy men can now rape at will and their victims can never speak of it again.
This case is unique, and will define the consequences for all rape victims who identify their assailants publically in the future. Just think of all the women who have already come forward to tell their stories about powerful, rich men who raped or sexually assaulted them. Any man with enough money to hire a lawyer will be able to silence them by either threatening, or by filing a defamation case. If the victim dares to speak out in public, she risks being sued and must pay substantial sums to defend herself. If the victim reports a rape and the man is not proven guilty in the criminal courts, then the victim stands to be financially ruined if the assailant chooses to sue her. The rapist will own her ever after! What woman will ever take that chance? Please help Susan get to court and ensure that the First Amendment continues to protect all women's right to speak!
Women will not report sexual assault/harassment until they are protected from backlash and retaliation. That retaliation includes the cost of defense lawsuits like this. Those costs are staggering and include bringing in witnesses from across the country to tell Susan’s story. The legal rules do not allow Susan to recover her legal fees and costs, even if she wins. Susan and her family are at risk of losing everything, even if she wins. Indeed, she has already spent her entire retirement, all her family's savings (including her children's college funds), and has mortgaged her home to the fullest. Without your help, she simply can't finish the race. All because the man whom she has accused of rape has more money than she does.
Susan gave up her career in the military and left West Point with only one year left. After she was raped, she became depressed, homeless, destitute and jobless for several years. Instead of giving up, Susan picked herself up and fought to complete her degree in 1990 on her own and made a new life for herself.
Many people ask why Susan didn’t press formal charges against this man in 1986. Her reasons were similar to those of many rape victims: fear of being blamed, and fear of not being believed. Susan has felt humiliated and embarrassed ever since – upset that she wasn’t able to fight back, or stand up for herself and all the women who have followed after her. She did report it to West Point, however in 2009.
As long as sexual assault is tolerated, women will never be perceived as men’s equals. Susan intends to stand strong and tell her story. You can help assure that will happen. Susan is speaking for all raped women's first amendment rights to speak about their rapes and needs your help just to get to the finish line. Without sufficient funds, the wealthy man whom she claimed raped her will simply outwait her and she will never get to present her evidence in court. Don't let that happen. Everyone deserves their day in court. Don't let this case set the precedent that will silence all raped women in America forever.
We are doing all we can to help raise money for Susan to fight this lawsuit. Susan and her husband have limited funds because she is a stay-at-home mom to their three children and Susan’s husband already works two jobs. Any money you can donate to this cause to fight against this vicious and unnecessary lawsuit would be much appreciated. Every little bit will help!
Thank you to all friends and family for your love, prayers and support.
Michelle Lange
You can read about Susan’s case in the Fairfax County Circuit Court, by searching for her case file: CL-2014-09220.
See original article at: https://shortlittlerebel.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/the-rape-of-a-female-cadet-at-west-point/
See ABC television interview at:
Once Inside Weekly airs their interview, it will be posted here as well.