Sugar's Last Chance
Sugar came on screen in Facebook and I knew she needed a Last Chance. How can someone abandon a family member when they are old and at their most vulnerable time when they needed comfort and security most? Here's her story as best I can tell it...
Sugar (A 1691970) was at a very high kill shelter Miami Dade Animal Services. I had recently joined a group on Facebook called Passion for Caring About Animals and was receiving daily urgent requests for animals at risk of being killed. These were Owner surrenders with no hold time required (so literally some are put down same day turned in.) I made a list of the most needy and planned my 45 min ride to rescue. It was Saturday the place was packed with adopters. I went down the list 1, 2, 3, 4 all gone from records (adopted? put down or in medical?) I reached # 5 on my list and put a hold on her she was very ill but, had a microchip was on a hold til Monday.
#6 was Sugar she was surrendered with 5 other small dogs by a woman claiming she could not afford her medical care. I said I want her n was asked; " are you aware she has many health issues and you will have to sign a medical release not holding us responsible for her conditions?" I agreed and was told to come pick her up next day after spay. I asked she not be spayed I'd pay a deposit n sign promisory papers because I feared due to her condition and age it could kill her. They said it was up to the vet. I asked specifically what it said in her medical notes so I knew what I would need to prepare for. I expected the usual old age afflictions ( having a makeshift Animal Hospice and Sanctuary of Senior disabled dogs at home for several years.) This is the short list for Sugar. (LINK POSTED)
I came back next day and got her (she had not been spayed Thank God) and she was carried out to me n put on the counter. She couldnt stand and she made no eye contact or reaction to my touch or my talking to her. I asked to speak to the vet. They were closing and Vet was still working since early but, agreed to speak to me. I waited 1 1/2 hrs they all apologized and some went home but, I needed to know why they were not processing her papers. Supervisor proceeded to do them when I said I was taking her regardless of what news Vet would give me.
You could see she was in bad shape physically but, I was most taken by her lack of emotion was it extreme pain, shock or lack of human affection? It was all three! I held her close to my chest and spoke softly to her and quietly cried. How could someone neglect a dog like this and then abandon them. After speaking to the vet I knew it was more then I could handle financially maybe even just her care so I asked if she could go with the other rescue to the Senior Sanctuary in Brooksville. I took her home knowing she did not need to go to ER (unlike other dog) The amazing overworked and visibly tired Vet Dr. K told me I had taken the "two sickest dogs in the place" calling them "IV Cousins" because both hooked up to fluids for severe dehydration. Volunteers came over and one gave me a hug and one offered to pay for her first exam on them I was touched. They were so happy I gave her a second chance.
I took her home and saw a bit of her personality for a second she looked over at me then slid under her blanket n slept. As I picked her up to carry her home she gave me a quick lick I almost cried. I continued Doctors orders for her care until I could get her to the Vet. My friend a vet tech examined her and said she was stable we gave her subcu fluids, pain meds n anti itch meds and I gave her a warm and soothing antifungal/antbacterial bath cleaned her eyes with saline solution and administered eye meds, and quarantined her in a seperate room.
She had a normal poo n pee n ate like a lil piggy and she wagged her tail. I got a second kiss she knew she was not at the shelter she knew I would not abandon her. Sugar was so weak she slid from her bed forward to reach the food bowl until later I did not know why she didnt get up it was so sad to see. Sugar took her meds but, fought me on eye drops (it made me happy to see she had that fight in her!)
I took Sugar to my regular vet Arbor Pet Hospital in Wilton Manors, FL Dr. Mogoyros the well respected director and Vet saw her and gently examined her his concern showed on his face and he said she required immediate labs n xrays to rule out Pyrometra which could require emergency surgery which she most likely would not survive in her condition. (Records Posted and Estimate.)
The great news was unavailable Sugar was too swollen n her labs inconclusive we would need to wait n see if she had early Pyrometra but, she had an infection and vaginal discharge which were bad signs. Sugar has an enlarged heart and a murmer and dislocated hip bone completly out of socket n Spinal Spondylosis causing her great pain. Her teeth as well loose, rotted n gum infection maybe more. Sugar had possible mange or flea bite allergy from such a tremendous amount of fleas it made her anemic and left her covered in bald patches and sores and itching uncontrolably til vet gave her shot n meds. I am to bring her back in a week to repeat labs n xrays and see if she has Pyrometra and if Hip can be popped back in or if neglected to long n requires surgery. Too top it all off Sugar's in heat and probably overbred her entire life her nipples are long mishapened and her vulva swollen.
Poor lil CHIGGY (Chihuahua/ Italian Greyhound Mix) that would explain her lack of human contact n detachment. Used then thrown away! My heart aches for her but, I will spend every day trying to teach her human love and comfort and my animals will too. She wants to be with them so bad but, may be contagious and needs rest. She has her own recovery room. They all said; " hello!" and told her "we are here for you!" I may be silly but, the heart is all emotion.
I pledge to do everything I can for her.
Do not say an old dog doesnt deserve so much care, you are wrong they deserve more because it is their last chance for freedom from suffering, their last chance to undo neglect and heal, their last chance to know love and joy.
This is Sugar's last chance!
Even one dollar will get us closer to her goals please help Sugar be free from suffering and death.
God bless you! O:-)