Honor the Treaties
Donation protected

"We do this to honor our great grandfathers and great grand mothers who laid down there lives at the hands of the cavalry, we do this so our future generations our unborn grand children will not have to experience those kinds of brutal acts of inhumanity - Phil Two Eagle - Sicangu Lakota”
We invite you to come join us as we commemorate the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty this is a once in a lifetime historical event that took place 150 years ago. We will walk in the footsteps of our great grand fathers the Chiefs that went to Fort Laramie Wyoming to sign the Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868 we will remember the sacrifices that they gave. We the descendants of those great chiefs will gather at Fort Laramie, WYO on April 29, 2018 for the 150th Anniversary of the Treaty Signing and we will tell our story that we are still here that we want everyone to honor the treaties they made with us. We are the Sicangu Lakota of the Titantunwan we are the Oceti Sakowin bands of the Lakota. We will tell our own story. We are still here. We want our treaty rights honored. We do this to honor our women, children and elders, For the Future Generations (hechel Tokata Kiya Wico Icaginktelo). So that the people will live (Hechel Oyate Kin Nipi Ktelo). So that the people will be healthy (Oyate kin Zani Pi ktelo) for better health. To stop the Treaty Violations, Stop the Pipelines, Stop the gold and uranium mining in the Black Hills, Stop the Fracking, Stop the raping of Mother Earth. For the Land, Air, Water, and Natural Resources. For better tribal economies and sustainability of our tribes.
Any funds raised will help cover our expenses for this historic event. We would like to help our descendants , and families to get to Fort Laramie by helping with a gas card. Other important expenses include our drum group, spiritual leader, announcer, food, lodging, presenters, fees, equipment, materials, supplies, meals, mileage, and travel costs.
Philimon Two Eagle
Rosebud, SD