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Where do I begin. My family just moved to Panama City, Florida a month ago and we go to the beach often. Well this day was no different we went down to the county pier and got in the water. Well I had gotten out because I was not feeling well. I keep an eye on everyone or so I thought I did. I seen my mom, 2 daughters, husband and nephew all together but I didn't see my boys so I went looking for them. I found them way out in the water. So I went down to tell them to come in and all I heard was my 2 boys screaming and crying. So I went back in after them. On my way out there were some people coming out telling me not to go out after them. I told them I don't care that's my kids. So on my way out to them I found 3 other people that had went out to try and help my boys but all 5 were stuck in a Rip Tide and I just made the 6th. The tide was very strong nothing we did let us get out if it. Well once my family seen what was going on they swam over to try and help and ended up getting stuck in the rip tide as well so that made a total of 9 people stuck out in the rip tide. My 2 girls had gotten out though and had not swam over to us and that was a blessing my oldest daughter helped on the shore. Anyways while out there my mom had a massive heart attack and actually died on us for a few minutes. See my dad passed in December and when my mom came around for a few minutes she told us that she had seen my daddy and he told her it wasn't her time yet. So she came back to us. We'll eventually we all got pulled from the water and her along with a few others were transferred to the hospital. My mom was intubatied and unconscious for a while but she has had the tube removed and is awake but she is still very weak and in the SICU. She has some heart and stomach issues along with some pneumonia the doctors are having to deal with. So she is stable but she will remain in the hospital for a while they said. Also once she comes home she will have to have home health and physical therapy. So any extra funds will be very appreciated. I just started my job and so not alot of income yet in the house. Please help if you can. You can find the news story on the Panama City News Herald page along with several other papers and news stations. Thank you and God bless.


Roberta Ursrey
Panama City, FL