Cottonmouth in car! Dead, need help
If anyone has IR thank equipment and would help determine if the shake is still in the car or would be knowledgeable about removing a dashboard to help my boyfriend, that's my GOAL. Please, help if you're able bodied. SHREVEPORT, LA Yesterday, Mothers day, I drove my car all day with my dog in it. At 6:00 pm I arrived at the West Shreveport Memorial library which was closed.I opened my glove box and saw things moving but thought they were sliding, then I slammed thinking snake. I opened again and there was a gray tube like think moving around so I slammed shut. I exited three vehicle, called 911, who in turn called Caddo Parish Fire Dept.
Within 10 minutes they were on site and when they opened it, they saw about 4 inches of a great black tail slide behind my dashboard. They spent over 1.5 hrs trying to locate the snake.
I'm terrified of snakes. No one can figure out why it called in my car because there's no food source. A snake can live 9 MONTHS before it moves to hunt again.
My boyfriend is 27 years retired Air Force and still in civilian service showed up. After an hour of inspection, the fire department left. My bf drove the car, he's not afraid of much, to Home Depot. The whole time I'm on phone calling animal control, which doesn't do anything, and snake guys, so don't remove dashboards.
We sat for over 1.5 hrs at Home Depot with the car sprayed with snske repellent all over interior and opening with, windows rolled up and heat on high. One snake guy said this would overheat the snake and make it leave. It didn't.
Finally I followed him home, no snake falling from vehicle and we parked it. At this time I've no idea if it's in there or not.
My insurance will only pay if the snake does damage. It won't pay for dashboard removal unless snake has damaged something, which while driving, doesn't seem like it has. My deductible would still be $250 plus 20% per day for car rental. I don't own a credit card so a rental that will rent will be high.
Dealership cost to remove the dashboard, depending how far they need to go is $600.00-$1300.00. Usd do high because of there's a snake and unknown venomous or not.
My first intention is to find infrared or heat reading glasses or camera to see if it's even in there. I found these on Amazonπ=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=thermal+imagingπ=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=thermal+imaging&psc=1
So firstly, a thermal images, better than these, hopefully someone out there has something, these to see if it's in there.
Secondly car rental
Thirdly dashboard and shake removal of its in there.
Fourth inside of car to get rid of anything snake touched.
I'm a nervous wreck, I can't go on grass without fear much less another vehicle. I get palpitations thinking about it and the loss of use of my car. Thank you for any help. Because I don't drive this car unless I know there's no snake. Bless you all. Help spread the word!
Thank you Nick with KSLA Shreveport ArLaTex news for coming out for the story!