Support SNIP-IT to Save Pet Lives!
We are an organization called Spay Neuter is Provided in Tennessee. If that name is too long for you, call us SNIP-IT. We don't mind.
After starting the second week of June thanks to your wonderful donations, SNIP-IT's dedicated team performed 195 surgeries, with eighty in the last week. That's 780 pets that will never see the doors of an animal shelter.
This is crucially important work in a region with one animal shelter closing and a second struggling to relocate. Every dollar sent to SNIP-IT keeps pets out of animal shelters.
You can help with a simple donation.
Your funds will be used to help offset the costs of spay/neuter services, and help us secure the vaccinations and other supplies necessary to continue serving nine counties in the East Tennessee area.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Thanks for supporting SNIP-IT to save pet lives!
UPDATE: GoFundMe has apparently decided "thanking" our donors on Facebook is a suitable means of showing our gratitude for your generosity. We don't think so, and are working on a solution to this.