Somogyi: Debut Full Length Record
Donation protected
There's a lot of great music I've written that I feel very passionate about recording. However, I've put it on hold for a while because of money. Well I've finally decided to reach out to my friends, family, and fans to help fund the making of my first full length record. In return, I promise that only the best music for your listening pleasure will come out of it. Show your support, and help take my music to the next level.
Much Love and Appreciation to you all.


I've always known that I could never give music up. As long as my hands work and my voice works, it's always going to be a part of my life. Over the past few years I've worked to get my music out there as so many musicians I know are doing, and I recently decided to take action towards what I feel like is the next step for my music. That is, making a record. I want it to be good, so I've got some great musicians and producers on board to help make it happen. However, I also need your help. The listener, the local music supporter, the friends, the family. I can't do this alone and I know with a little help from everyone, we can make something great happen.
Why do I want to do this you make ask? Not only to make a record or push my music to the next level, but my end goal has always been to have a platform to reach out to and help other people. Somehow I've always felt that music was my path to do that. I just want to make everyone's life I touch a little brighter through my music.
I hope you'll join me on this journey.
Much Love and Appreciation to you all.


I've always known that I could never give music up. As long as my hands work and my voice works, it's always going to be a part of my life. Over the past few years I've worked to get my music out there as so many musicians I know are doing, and I recently decided to take action towards what I feel like is the next step for my music. That is, making a record. I want it to be good, so I've got some great musicians and producers on board to help make it happen. However, I also need your help. The listener, the local music supporter, the friends, the family. I can't do this alone and I know with a little help from everyone, we can make something great happen.
Why do I want to do this you make ask? Not only to make a record or push my music to the next level, but my end goal has always been to have a platform to reach out to and help other people. Somehow I've always felt that music was my path to do that. I just want to make everyone's life I touch a little brighter through my music.
I hope you'll join me on this journey.
Ashley Paige Somogyi
Denton, TX