[Note 2: To see Joaquin Phoenix's statement and video click the Show All updates just above this sentence.]
[Note 1: $57.2K in donations from other sources has brought the goal here down to $12.3K. Thanks everyone!]
The Yawanawa of Brazil, led by Tashka and Laura Yawanawa, is one of the few indigenous tribes in the world that has survived the onslaught of the industrialized world with its rainforest home and its culture intact. The Yawanawa are among the rainforest's greatest champions, and their culture and wisdom, as well as their tenacity in the face of hardship, have been an inspiration to millions.
But now, the Yawanawa face a devastating flood. And they are reaching out to the global community to help them with disaster relief.
From Tashka and Laura Yawanawa:
"The flooding destroyed essential village assets across all the Yawanawa communities that are situated along the Gregorio River. Infrastructure lost in the flood includes well pumps, backup generators, PV panels, boats etc."
Please click the DONATE button at the top of this page and support the Yawanawa flood relief effort. Donations are tax deductible thanks to the organization YES! which has been a key partner in the Yawanawa community's international work. 100% of donation funds that YES! receives will go directly to the Yawanawa tribe.
A flood like this has never happened before in Yawanawa history. It is often stated that no single weather event can be linked to the climate crisis. That's actually true in a way, because ALL weather events are linked to it. The biosphere is one interconnected living entity and even small changes in one part of the system can profoundly affect the whole. Such is the wisdom that the Yawanawa have passionately shared with the world in their tireless effort to protect the rainforest.
More than ever before, the world needs the Yawanawa and the Yawanawa need the world. As said, if you're reading this, you're somehow connected to it, so please take a minute to participate in this crowdfunding campaign and let's show how a lot of little actions can collectively make a big difference.
On behalf of the Yawanawa community, thank you for your time, energy and support!
Please click the DONATE button at the top of this page to support the Yawanawa flood relief effort.
Below is the emergency relief budget from Tashka and Laura Yawanawa...
Yawanwa Emergency Grant Request
Here is a list of absolutely crucial materials that are needed to resettle the people back in their villages.
Well pumps (7) $ 10,050
Ceramic gravity fed water filters (20) $ 2,000
Water containers for potable water (1,000 l each) (30) $ 7,500
Chlorine based water purification tablets (4 boxes) $ 400
Technicians to clean out and sterilize well shafts
and install new pumps $ 4,000
Generators (7, one for each community) $ 10,500
Composting Toilets (7, one for each community) $ 5,000
Cargo Boat with Motor $ 10,000
Cleaning Supplies $ 500
Basic kitchen and hygiene utensils $ 3,000
Farming tools (shovels to move sediment etc.) $ 3,000
Farm animals (young poultry and swine breeding stock) $ 3,000
Flash lights, cell phones, computers
and other basic technology (the PV backup batteries, etc.) $ 8,000
Basic household items (mattresses, blankets, clothing, etc) $ 3,000
TOTAL $ 69,500
This budget reflects only the beginning of what rebuilding the villages will entail. Emergency funding is underway also from the Acre government but initially will only involve food aid.
Thank you again for your time, energy and support!!!