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Special Olympics US Snowboarding

It was a great experience participating alongside Chris Perdue in the Special Olympics Unified Snowboarding event during the recent 2017 Aspen X Games.

Let's keep the support and excitment going beyond the X Games and join me in raising funds to send the entire Special Olympics US Snowboard team to the Special Olympics World Games in Austria this March.

Here is a little background info on Chris:
Chris was diagnosed with an intellectual disability at the age 5, when his family moved to Osgood, IN. Chris started participating in Special Olympics when his mother decided to transfer him to a different school five years ago. His first experience with Special Olympics was snowboarding at Special Olympics Indiana’s Winter Games. From there, he got involved in basketball, athletics, softball and powerlifting. Chris is shy at first, but once he gets to know people he opens up. He has a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. He works hard. Chris’s coach at the Killington training camp or the World Winter Games said Chris was always the last athlete off the slopes.


Danny Davis
Truckee, CA
Special Olympics, Inc

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