Sponsor A Student NSN
Tax deductible
Every year the Naitonal Sales Network invest in 100 of the best and brightest students from across the US for the Annual Student Sales & Marketing Conference which is hosted in Atlanta, GA .
The NSN Student Sales & Marketing Conference will bring together the top diverse undergraduate and graduate student talent from across the U.S. for an opportunity of a lifetime.
The NSN Student Sales & Marketing Conference, is the most powerful sales and marketing development program available to diverse students interested in marketing and/or sales. Here is your opportunity to give back and donate to sponsor one of the 100 students that have been selected to attend.
NSN invest $1,000 in each student to provide them with this opportuntiy which includes airfare, hotel, meals, and conference registration.
This year we would like to offer more than 100 students with this opportunity and we are hoping you will make the investment to help us reach our goal.
Think about the person(s) that invested in your career along the way. This is now your opportunity to invest in our youth, to ensure they have a head start and are prepared for an executive role in sales and/or marketing. We have had several students walk away with full time job offers or internships at the interview fair/career fair that takes place on the last day of the conference. Any donation amount will serve as a helping hand to ensure that these students are positioned for success!
Each student will join motivated students from across the United States for a 3 day hands-on sales and marketing experience.
Students accepted into the program will be provided with the following opportunities:
-Sales & Marketing training (workshops/executive level speakers & panels)
-Learn about Sales & Marketing careers from company executives
-Compete in a case competitions & win cash prizes
-Learn about the transition from the "college campus" to the "corporate campus"
-Sign up to be mentored by seasoned Sales & Marketing professionals
-Interview with hiring companies for full time positions/internships
Thank you in advance for your investment in Student Sales & Marketing Conference. To learn more visit:
Make your tax dedutible donation today, by investing in our youth!
The NSN Student Sales & Marketing Conference will bring together the top diverse undergraduate and graduate student talent from across the U.S. for an opportunity of a lifetime.
The NSN Student Sales & Marketing Conference, is the most powerful sales and marketing development program available to diverse students interested in marketing and/or sales. Here is your opportunity to give back and donate to sponsor one of the 100 students that have been selected to attend.
NSN invest $1,000 in each student to provide them with this opportuntiy which includes airfare, hotel, meals, and conference registration.
This year we would like to offer more than 100 students with this opportunity and we are hoping you will make the investment to help us reach our goal.
Think about the person(s) that invested in your career along the way. This is now your opportunity to invest in our youth, to ensure they have a head start and are prepared for an executive role in sales and/or marketing. We have had several students walk away with full time job offers or internships at the interview fair/career fair that takes place on the last day of the conference. Any donation amount will serve as a helping hand to ensure that these students are positioned for success!
Each student will join motivated students from across the United States for a 3 day hands-on sales and marketing experience.
Students accepted into the program will be provided with the following opportunities:
-Sales & Marketing training (workshops/executive level speakers & panels)
-Learn about Sales & Marketing careers from company executives
-Compete in a case competitions & win cash prizes
-Learn about the transition from the "college campus" to the "corporate campus"
-Sign up to be mentored by seasoned Sales & Marketing professionals
-Interview with hiring companies for full time positions/internships
Thank you in advance for your investment in Student Sales & Marketing Conference. To learn more visit:
Make your tax dedutible donation today, by investing in our youth!
Mecca Tartt
Atlanta, GA
National Sales Network, Inc.