Sponsorship For Vegan Volunteers At Vegan Village
Hi my name is Niss. I am raising funds to be able to sponsor vegans from around the world to come and live at my already created vegan village &
community with developing rescue sanctuary.
We have two locations steps away from each other - A Vegan Resort and Vegan Cabana Village. We have two restaurants, yoga/dance studios, a
roof top juice bar and a fresh water eco-pool.
The purpose of this sponsorship is to raise funds so that vegans from around the globe can come and experience vegan community living and help
further expand our already developed vegan community.
It is the ideal setting for vegan coaches, yoga teachers, musicians, chefs, artists and animal caregivers! We want to expand the neighbourhood with a
diverse and complementary vegan group of compassionate souls looking to help create a peaceful and sustainable vegan world!
The program is for 6 months and will house 24 or more vegans. If we are successful with raising enough funds, it will allow for us to continue to offer this sponsorship program every 6 months!
We will also be video documenting the experience for the first group that is chosen to stay the 6 months, so that we can show the world the
dynamics, sustainability and benefits of intentional communities.
~ Accommodation fees for our volunteers (you?)
~ Creating a safe vegan space for children to grow.
~ A sustainable financial foundation to spring board the further growth of our already expanding vegan
~ A vegan village design template that holds the blueprint to creating
more compassionate communities through the world.
~ Vegan leaflets to do gentle outreach to local schools and wellness
~ Building a larger animal sanctuary to save more animals.
~ Funding to make a communal green house to help feed the vegan
community and create a co-op with neighbors.
~ Vegan cooking classes to bring Peaceful Foods awareness.
~ An online documentation and photo gallery of the vegan progress
through the north part of Belize.
**For further details, please visit our webpage for this program at
Thank you so much for your continued support! Together we can
create a sustainable vegan world! The revolution begins here...
Peace and Blessings,