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In loving memory of Danielle Duran

Don protégé

Last night this world lost an amazing and beautiful soul, someone who had far too much life ahead of them and it's completely unfair that life is taken away so suddenly and from those who deserve it the least. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Danielle Duran. We can't imagine the weight of their pain and we want them to know that all of Stamford is here to help them in bearing that weight in any that we can.

All funds raised will be needed (ASAP) as they will be sent to Dani's family too help with funeral and memorial expences.

In loving memory of Danielle Duran, you will be greatly missed.

Je soutiens


  • Jesse Crabtree
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Gennah Andruch
Stamford, TX
Joan Duran

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