Help Stacey Slater Fight Cancer!
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I'd like to share a story with you. Earlier last year, Stacey went to the doctor because she was having symptoms and issues with her health. The physician at the time passed this off as no big deal. These symptoms continued to exist for months as she continued to go back to the doctor's office. Finally, she decided to take matters into her own hands because something was not right. She reached out and made an appointment with a Gastroenterologist, who decided to do a colonoscopy. When Stacey woke up, her was doctor was standing there with a sad look. He said that she surpised him with a large mass. I, her husband, and Stacey followed up with the appointment where the doctor confirmed it was cancer.
In January 2017, Stacey had the mass removed, but come to find out the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. So, once Stacey healed from surgery, it determined that twelve rounds of chemo woudl be need to try to cure her Stage IIIb colon cancer.
In March 2017, a strong regiment of chemo began. Chemo has kicked Stacey's tail, not only physically but also mentally. Trying to kick cancer's butt and dealing with all of the emotions that come with cancer is exhausting on a persons mind, body, and soul. Thankfully, she was her own advocate and took matters into her own hands and at the right time. I tuly believe God had a hand in this. I can't bear to think of what the prognosis could have been had she waited.
This is the story of my friend and sister Stacey Slater. Along with her struggles this past year, Stacey had multiple health issues with kidney cancer. Thankfully the doctor's found the issue because they were doing testing because her father had just passed away and they were worried it was hereditary. Stacey's kidney was removed and the doctor's determined no other treatments were necessary. Of course, this would entail many years of medical issues, lots of doctors' visits and scans, and LOTS of medical bills. She has worked since she was 16 and by age 28 years of age she and her husband had covered all of the medical bills alone.
Even though life has tried to keep her down, Stacey has always persevered. She has always been able to work and help take care of her family who are her life, husband Jerry, daughter Autumn Nicole (21), son John Blake (16), and the youngest son Brandon (14). She is the glue that hold all of these pieces together. Stacey loves with all of her heart and is a true and loyal friend. She has been this person for me for 30 years. There have been times where years have passed between us. But the love and friendship has never faltered.. Regardless of how much time has passed, I love her with my all of my heart.
A few weeks ago, Stacey lost her job. In the midst of all this insanity, losing her job has been devastating. When you are a stong, independent, and self sufficient person, it has been so hard to be sick and not have the means to finacially take care of her family. Jerry is working but he has missed work to take care of her. And these days it is very hard to run a family on one income. Autumn has recently moved back in to help with the family.
Family and friends, I am asking you to donate and please help my friend. She can't work until her chemo treatments are complete and she has 4 months to go. The most important thing for her right now is to focus on healing, recdovering from chemo, and not having to worry about her family. You know, us mom's tend to do that. Even when we are the ones fighting the battle. I now this because I have also had colon cancer. Unfortunately, these days it takes an army of support to beat this beast. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please consider helping my girl. She is loved by her family and so many more. May God Bless you.
Aubrey Polk Darr
Note from Autumn Slater:
My mom is the strongest woman I know. Life has thrown her more obstacles than one person should have to handle, but not once have I ever seen her defeated. Through the good and the bad times, she has held our family together proudly. A person can handle so much.
Momma has handled chemo with grace even when she gets sad and beat down. I've never seen her this weak. Now that she has lost her position and her financial security, she feels that her world has been rocked. She can't work and she can't physically take care of her family. Mom's world has changed all too quickly. She hasn't been able to work since January of this year. My mom has been the backbone of our family, but now she needs our help just as we have needed hers. I'm asking you to donate to help with the outrageous but necessary medical bills that are rolling in. Between the surgeris, ER visits, blood clots in her neck, all of the medicines, and the chemo, this has all been too overwhelming. Along with everyday expenses like food.
Anything you can do would be so much appreciated and loved.
Thank you,
Autumn Slater
Organizer and beneficiary
Aubrey Darr
Smyrna, TN
Stacey Perkins Slater