Stand with Sadie Trout and Family
Updated crucial need for the Trout Family
Sadie will be now be continually seeing an eye specialist at the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia. This hospital will be injecting chemotherapy directly into our sweet Sadie’s eye, as her right eye still has active cancer. This alone, will significantly increase the need for extra income for Eric and Nikki; extended time off of work for both Eric and Nikki, extended stay lodging, frequent traveling to Pennsylvania wear and tear on their vehicle, gas, food, etc.
Finances is something that no one should have to worry about, while there child is fighting such a terrible illness like cancer.
In addition, Sadie has a long list of medical visits in her extended future; There is one scan in-particular that she should be receiving around 5years old, which at this time is typically a $30,000 out of pocket charge, as insurance does not cover it. Please consider donating and SHARING this GoFundMe. As time goes by the charges and time off of work are piling up more than expected. Your generosity and prayer means more than you realize to the Trout family.
Nicole “Nikki” and Eric Trout (and the proud big brothers Clete & Ty) had their sweet baby girl, Sadie, on January 8, 2019. On February 27, 2019 at only 7 weeks old, Sadie was diagnosed with a rare form of childhood cancer called Retinoblastoma. She has a tumor behind her eyes, and has partial retinal detachment in both eyes. She will begin her chemo treatments and will receive it for the next 6 months. The Trout Family lives in Troy and will be frequently driving back and forth to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis.
The donations received from this site will help them with gas, food, medical needs, etc. Any amount will be helpful. Most importantly, please continually keep this sweet baby girl and her family in your prayers.