STEM Book Series for Young Girls
Fiona Fox S.T.E.M. books series.
Hi everyone,
We want to develop and publish a series of kids books focusing on Science Technology Engineering & Math.
Our aim with this book series is to appeal to young girls and encourage them to appreciate science. We want to give young girls a role model that shows them they can do anything.
The main character, Fiona 'Physics' Fox will take kids on journeys, explaining topics like Astronomy, electromagnetism, Evolution, Microscopic Worlds and more.
We are already in the development stage of this project and we are currently liaising with women in science to gain further insight into what inspired them.
We are raising funds to pay an artist to create the images used in the book series and if we raise enough we may even be able to self-publish.
We are also open to collaboration with writers and artists, so if you are passionate about science drop us a line
'inspire the world with science'