Marian Hayes cancer treatment fund.
Since at least the begining of 2009, Mark Hayes has been producing fine decals for the model rocketry hobby, as well as anything else you might need a sticker for. He has done many custom orders and has made many people in the hobby very happy. Mark has always been communicative, helpful, and just a nice guy.
This week, his wife, Marian was diagnosed with cancer in her breast, lymph nodes and lungs.
He has not asked for anything, except for people to understand that he's not taking any new orders, and will need some time to finish pending orders.
There is more we can do.
Let us help Mark and Marian.
A little about them, from Mark:
We met almost 14 years ago at a mortuary, but only in passing. She worked there I was an electrician doing upgrades there, but we were both in other relationships.
We both divorced from our first marriages, and were both not really looking to get married again, but wanted to get out and date... So we both started a yahoo dating account…
After talking a few times online we talked on the phone, and then realized we knew each other from the mortuary!! Small world...
I asked her out SEVERAL times, but her kids and life just didn’t give her the time, so I said, well last chance if you don’t want to go out with me I guess that’s it. She said, I've got 45 minutes, meet me at Taco Bell. So I figured, cheap date, awesome. LOL
We have not been apart since that first date.
We got married at Rocstock in California, November 13, 2004, right on the flight line.
We have 7 kids between us; 3 of hers, 3 of mine and one of ours ranging from 9 years old (ours), 2 holy crud 25 years old.
We just became grandparents on Tuesday. My youngest daughter brought us Xander Mark Dodson 8 lbs 7 oz.