50/50 for cancer/lymphedema groups
The first 60 tickets are printed!!! Please make me print more by buying up all these!!
My name is Lisa McPartland, and I suffer from lymphedema ... a chronic swelling that has no cure ... in my left leg. The swelling makes my left leg about 25% larger than the right leg. I ended up with this disease after successful surgery to cure cervical cancer in 2004. Little is known about this disease even though as many as 10 MILLION Americans suffer from it, according to the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN). Some are born with it, while others end up with it after surgery such as mine or after breast cancer surgery and other surgeries or injuries.
When I noticed the swelling four years after my surgery, my doctor told me it was just because I was "getting old." Thank goodness I found help through Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY, and LE&RN. Roswell Park taught me how to treat and manage my lymphedema, and LE&RN offered me information -- so much information! -- as well as symposiums, treatment product ideas, and so much support. Both groups are researching cures, and they need our help!
This is why I am holding a 50/50 for these non-profits. Half of the total raised here will be shared between Roswell Park and LE&RN. The other half will go to one lucky winner! We set our fundraising goal here at $500, but if it goes higher, that's great, and you get half of whatever the total amount is! We are running this campaign through Aug. 17, 2016, so we have enough time to withdraw the money and make timely donations. Roswell's donation will be made to a 2016 Ride for Roswell team, while LE&RN's donation will be made to the 2016 Walk for Lymphedema (team What the Swell?!).
We printed out tickets, and every $5 you donate buys you a ticket (so if you donate $20, you get four tickets, or four chances to win). I will contact you with your ticket number after receiving word of your donation. Once the time limit here expires, we will videotape the drawing of the winning number and post it here and on Facebook under user "StickIt ToCancer"
(https://www.facebook.com/StickItToCancer), which is my public Facebook page for my cancer/lymphedema fundraising endeavors.
What you would need to do:
1. Make your donation here. I should get an email notifying me of your donation.
2. Email [email redacted] with your email address or "friend" and message me on Facebook ("StickIt ToCancer") to let me know you donated just in case I don't receive a notification, and I'll contact you with your official ticket number (including a picture of said ticket).
3. Watch my Facebook page for the video showing the drawing and hope you win!! My husband will film me drawing the winning ticket, and we will post that video along with the winner's name and ticket number! That winner will then need to contact us with a mailing address so we may forward the big, fat check! The video should be posted by August 20, 2016.
Learn more about LE&RN and Roswell Park here:
And here's my full story:
Thank you all for your continued support!!!! :)
**Notes: Donations made to the two groups may be less than half of the final amount raised because GoFundMe takes a small percentage of each donation as well as a final percentage when the money is withdrawn. This is still the most efficient way to raise the money online, though ... wider audience. We are happy with every penny we can give to each group!! :)