Someone stole Sophia's violin.
Hi, my name is Ron and I am starting this GoFundMe campaign for a friend who is way too humble to ever ask for this kind of help for herself. It is easy to look back and see how this could have been prevented, but at the end of the day, it is not her fault that someone smashed her window and took something of significant value that did not belong to them (including all of her clothes). Thank you for taking the time to read this and for giving any little bit that you can to help. She is a fulltime college student, and does not have any other means to support herself, other than the now missing violin.
This is Sophia.
This is Sophia. One of the most talented musicians I have ever met. Although she is incredible on the violin (and ukelele), it hardly encompasses the definition of Sophia. She is so smart and clever, but also unexplainably kind and compassionate to strangers. She is the person who gets excited to see that salads are on sale at Vons and hands the bonus salads out to the homeless. I have witnessed this and numerous ocassions where she goes out of her way to make someone else's day better, even if it is just with a short conversation and smile. Her brain is happy when she connects with other people and gets to share her encouragement in a sometimes dark world. She has so much love to give to this world, even if sometimes unrequited. She is that person who smiles and waves to you and tells you to have a nice day, even if you are just walking down the street and she is at a stoplight in her car.
Her car window was shattered, and her violin, and all of her clothes were stolen.
Sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning (October 1, 2017), someone broke the passenger rear window of her car and grabbed her violin and a suitcase with all of her clothes in it.
She was in the process of moving, and after a long day, she decided to pass out for the night. She hesitated at the thought of leaving her violin in her car, but I assured her that it would be fine. She was going to stay at my apartment, in what I always thought was a fairly safe neighborhood.
In the morning, she walked out to her car to discover that someone had smashed her rear passenger side window and snagged her most treasured posession, Rosie, her French violin. Her violin is her means to support herself while attending school. But the most heartbreaking part of this, is that her mother gave her this violin as a gift.
Sophia immediately dropped to the ground in disbelief, fear, and agonizing pain. She had received this violin when she was about 14. This was not a violin that could be replaced easily. Her mom bought it on sale after some fierce negotiating for over $5000 back in 2002. This was a professional instrument suited for someone like Sophia.
Pictures of this beautiful instrument:
A description of the missing case:
We understand that the violin may be seperated from the case to make it less identifiable, but just in case you see the case, here is a description. The case itself was brand new and still had a bit of plastic wrap on the outside handle.
The case was rectangular (not violin shaped).
The exterior is black and the interior is a beautiful color of blue, similar to the Tardis from Dr. Who.
The inside of the case included a dial type hygrometer. This is not the same case, but it is similar in style and has a similar hygrometer:
Sophia, the Performer.
Sophia has been playing the violin since she was 4. I have known her for a few years, and can't believe how talented she is. I love watching her perform at shows, especially when she is able to interact with the audience and take requests. Her memory is dangerously accurate and if she has ever heard a song, she can play it on the violin just like anyone else might be able to just hum it from memory. She can read music, but I have always been blown away by her natural savant-like musical talent.
If you have ever seen her play, you know that her personality shines so bright and strong, and the entertainment is at a whole new level. This usually involves silly puns, clean jokes, dirty jokes, jokes for smart people, dancing, wiggling, and anything else her creative mind thinks up on the spot.
She uses this violin to play gigs. If she were to try out and join an orchestra, she could make a significant amount of money, but the beauty of Sophia is her creative charm and how she interacts with smaller crowds. After I started attending her gigs, I began to understand. The small gigs are fun and allow her to expand in the most creative ways. Here is a clip from a recent show during warm up. This is the kind of experience you have when you go to a show that has asked Sophia to perform.
Sophia playing at the Merrow in Hillcrest:
Here is another clip from a recent performance here in San Diego. She has an incredible ear and can jump in on demand at just the right moment to take a show from great to incredible!
Sophia playing at Mother's Saloon in OB:
But she also just loves to play for fun. I have had the honor of taking a lot of video of her, here are some more clips. This girl can jam!
Game of Thrones Theme:
Sophia playing classical music:
Singing in the Rain:
And, she even plays as a performer by request, whether that means a fun 4th of July BBQ or a family member's funeral. She loved the actual 4th of July fireworks as she played for family and friends at a backyard BBQ:
The Star Spangled Banner (with actual fireworks):
$7000. Why this amount, and what she has done already.
Sophia does not (yet) know about this campaign. I have decided to make this amount the goal for her for a few reasons. The violin itself is worth probably about this amount now. She also lost all of her clothing and had her window smashed on her car. As she relied on her musical abilities to help support herself, I have set this goal at $7000 which is only about (less than) $600 a month. I hope that she reaches her goal, and is able to buy herself another professional quality violin, but I also want to make sure that she has a little bit to get by on until then. Anyone with a heart as big as hers for other people, deserves this at least.
All of her clothing was stolen, and her car window was smashed. She feels violated. It can be hard to imagine until it happens to you, but nobody wants a stranger in their personal space or taking all of their clothes. She has taken the initiative to repair her window herself. She was able to find a window from another car at a junkyard and figured it out. That's the Sophia we all know and love. She didn't need a shop manual. She got right to it, and made it happen. Even if that meant a couple knicks or scratches along the way:
How soon does she need this support?
As soon as you can help! She relies on this instrument to play paid gigs!
What will she do with the money?
I will not ask her to spend this money on only a new violin. I will let her know that her friends and family and community have come together to help ensure her success in life and that she can use it as she sees fit. Knowing her, she will reluctantly use a very small amount to replenish her clothing (she loves thrift shops and is anything but the pretentious type) and then she will find herself a high quality instrument and continue on the path that follows her talents.
Will insurance cover it? (Car, renter's, instrument, etc):
A claim has already been filed and unfortunately, the violin is not being covered.
Have you checked the Pawn Shops/craigslist/OfferUp, eBay, etc?
We have been actively scouring everywhere. We even went around the area chatting with people who live outside (and see a lot) and put up flyers in the neighborhood. If nothing else, we want to help prevent this from happening to others.
Why was it in the car?
Sophia was moving. She made a mistake. All of us do it. Let's not make her feel bad for it. It was a life lesson and won't happen again. (This is me getting defensive for her, she is very humble and sad about all of this).
Why not in the trunk?
You know Sophia! She is the kind of person who will drive a car with 175k miles and peeling paint to get from point A to the beach. Even if that means the trunk will always be full with a beach chair, automotive fluids, and books.
Will she keep playing?
Of course! She lives for it. She lives through music. She has a very special talent where she can really express herself through music. She needs this and so do we, as her audience.
Will she play our event?
Possibly! It depends on the pay and how soon she can get a new violin. At this point, we need to make sure her basics are covered (food/shelter/clothing/sanity (read: violin).
Great car video, can you come fix my broken window?
Probably. But she would rather play music and let you go through that. Working on your own car gives you a nice little ego boost after something hard like a broken window.
What if you get it back?
It will be left up to Sophia. She has the biggest heart. I can only imagine that if her violin is recovered after a new one is purchased, one of them will find a new home and she is not the kind of person who is going to profit from this. Sophia truly is one of a rare breed that is here to help other people. I am posting this because it is time for all of us to help her.
[email redacted]
I can't thank you enough for reading this or any contribution you can give towards my campaign for Sophia. Every little bit will help. I will post updates as I can. Thank you for supporting this campaign and keeping the art alive and hope in this person's journey through life!