Over the last two decades thousands of hard working middle class Americans have seen their lives turned upside down, caused mainly by the rampant use/misuse of the H-1B/L-1 and OPT work visas.
These visas were meant to bring into this country "a limited number of highly skilled workers from a diverse global array of talented individuals" – in other words, a small number of truly gifted individuals who could add real value to the nation. The visas were never intended to be the vehicle of mass migration that it has turned into over the last 20+ years.
Fast forward to 2018 and big business is at it again, this time wanting to fully open the flood gates to cheap labor. To this end they have gotten members of Congress to co-sponsor House bill - H.R. 392, and the companion Senate bill - S. 281.
If these bills ever get a passing vote in Congress they will decimate the jobs of hundreds of thousands of American citizens, replacing every one of them with a foreign born worker.
We cannot let this happen.
Attorney Sara Blackwell
American workers, especially those in the tech sector, are fed up with this perennial assault on their jobs and their careers, and have decided to do something about it.
Who are we
We are citizens who have either experienced it ourselves or witnessed first hand the displacement of American workers by someone who was brought in to work on an H1B, L1, or OPT visa.
Where we're from
We are from all different states in the United States.
Our relationship to the parties we're raising funds for
All funds are collected and allocated to campaign activities by the PUW group - we are not doing this for any other 3rd party organization.
How the funds will be used
We intend to use these funds to
1. Have our own representative in DC to communicate with law makers.
2. Advertise in select cities to educate the public, and enlist their support in this battle.
3. Remind Congress and Corporations of their obligations to the American worker, and hold them accountable for violations of that trust.
In the interest of transparency GoFundMe has requested that we disclose the following information to all donors:
- Dawn (video below) is the "beneficiary" - the GoFundMe term for who is receiving your donations
- GoFundMe has been forwarding all your donations (minus their 2.9 percent payment processing fee and $0.30 per donation fees) to a separate personal bank account set up in Dawn's name for this purpose.
We are very careful in how we use your donations. If you have any questions please contact the campaign sponsor and someone will get back with you within 24 hours.
Those who helped build our tech industry are now consciously sidelined and shunned - all part of the move to bring in lower skilled but cheaper foreign workers.
Ben who is a proven Architect and Author
was repeatedly turned down by hiring managers who were instructed to hire only H-1B temporary workers. Finding a new database job was almost impossible due to outsourcing and H-1b greed.
Here is Ben's story
Footnote: It took almost two years of patient searching before Ben was able to find a company, in his own country, that could put to good use the valuable skills at his disposal.
Dawn goes to Washington
Taking it in the chin
In a story by Patrick Theadou about Eversource Energy: Small American flags were placed in cubicles and along the hallway in silent protest - flags that disappeared as the workers were terminated.
This is hurting everyone
After a SUCCESSFUL PHASE-1, we are now into PHASE-2 with a bigger FUNDING GOAL, and a larger worker visa reform agenda.
We are grateful for all your contributions. Thank you all for Protecting our Country!