We The People Hold the Gas Tax Unconsitutional
The Rebuild Alabama Act increased state fuel tax 56%, against the will of the voters, and in violation of Amendment 354 of the Alabama Constitution (which stipulates that ALL fuel taxes shall be spent on actual roads and bridges) by diverting resources to the dredging of Mobile bay for larger ship access.
If we are going to earmark our resources in Alabama by Constitutional provision, we should hold our legislative and executive accountable to that provision.
We do this through the Judicial.
Governor Ivey says this will cost you $55 per year....if you drive a Prius...one day a week....
I am calling on all Alabamians who find this behavior unacceptable to join this cause. That same $55, spent solely on legal counsel to take this unconstitutional law to task in the courts, will send a message that we demand accountability in our laws, and the execution of those laws.
Please make a contribution of $55 today. You will be recognized as a supporter if you so choose, and full account of every dollar will be posted for your review.
Any monies remaining at the conclusion of this effort will be refunded in proportion to contribution.
Thank you for your consideration in this effort and let's hold our government accountable to we, the people!
Tom Fredricks