Stroke survivor with missing SSI payments and income
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My name is Joseph McGough. I had a stroke in 2013, and had to wait 2 years to appeal my
denied SSI application, and won the case in late 2015. I had hired Binder & Binder social security
lawyers for it. The next thing that happened was I received a form from social security saying to
"mail or bring in this info". I filled it out, writing "no" to such questions as "are you a war veteran?"
and mailed it in myself, putting it in the blue mailbox at the Rocky Point post office. I waited, and
received the same form again. Again, I filled it out and mailed it in, this time with a USPS receipt.
Both forms were mailed within the 14 day time limit, from Rocky Point to Patchogue NY.
The next thing that I received was a letter of denial from SSI, saying that I failed to provide the
info requested. I never heard anything else from Binder & Binder after the appeal trial. I appealed
that second denial, and never heard from them or SS. I had also sent a letter to SS explaining
what happened. In 2017, my mother attempted to reapply for SSI for me.
I received the same form again, and this time I went to SS with it and explained everything
above. The worker said that I am approved for SSI, but didn't seem to do anything about all that I
had explained. The only other thing that happened there was her asking me the same questions
from the form and me answering "no", which is the same info that I provided by mail as requested
more than once, before the deadline. She only said that I was approved this time and that this
was a new application. with no denial, appeal, or trial necessary this time.
They also gave me the retroactive payments, but only from two months before, from the new
application. Since then, I am still receiving only SSI payments and SNAP food benefits, and am in
the same health condition, and other situations. Such as dental problems and no vehicle and
license problems etc , things that I was and still am waiting since 2013 for, as I believed I would
be receiving the retroactive payments since July 2013 when I first applied for SSI, and especially
was expecting after winning the SSI case, even though it was first denied, despite the medical
evidence etc.
I don't believe that anyone waiting for their money after winning their case would fail to simply
provide any information requested to receive the money owed. I believe that I was frauded out of
the money that is still legally owed to me by the SSA, referring to the retroactive payments from
the time I first applied in July 2013 to when I started receiving payments in late 2017. I can't
understand how I won the case and was made to apply and go through the process again and
this time was just approved, to start receiving payments in 2017 when I won my appeal case in
2015 and never started getting payments or the retroactive payments that were supposed to be
It is difficult surviving on monthly payments alone all of this time. Even if I had only received my
retroactive payments in 2015 it would have helped me with a lot of things including my license
cleared, a vehicle, moving to a place of my own, and my longtime dental issues for starters. But it
s very difficult to make any progress, in clearing up issues including not still being basically stuck
in my Mother's house, at the age of 47 now after somewhat recovering from the stroke effects
after and as they are happening which are much worse, and in my case will never fully recover
from all of those effects, but can experience some improvement with consistent activity and
exercise, which can be difficult to maintain in current situations for the last ten years.
This home also has it's share of problems that remain unfixed and are worsening, such as a
leaking roof, no working oven for some time, no washing machine or dryer, no working kitchen
light for several years, peeling ceiling paint and even caving in sections of water damaged ceiling,
such as over the entry stairs. The garage door has also always been broken at the bottom and in
poor condition, causing floods of water across the garage floor when it rains. My mother does not
have the money to fix these things. I also don't get along with anyone here or even locally.
I have attempted for quite some time to contact traffic and Social Security lawyers and general
attorneys with little to no responses to what are these very important and serious problems. I
have also sent this info to several authorities such as the FBI and attorney generals, Department
of Justice, and stroke advocates online, with a link to my Microsoft OneNote notebook which
contains much more information and documents.
I am sure that I have at least pain & suffering along with seeking the money from the time that I
applied for SSI and winning the case, which found me legally disabled, from the Social Security
Administration, and/or Binder & Binder. Binder & Binder won my case but failed to get me my
money, and themselves their percentage of my payment, especially when they are supposed to
receive a copy of all of the paperwork too and I should have had nothing to worry about. I may
even be able to contend that since I have never received anything from winning my case, that I
should be awarded all ten years of the retroactive payments from my 2013 application to the
current 2023 as well.
I still don't know if Social Security received it and is saying that the information I provided wasn't
good enough, or if somehow neither of the forms made it to Patchogue NY SSA with USPS, and
it would be both times not received? I haven't heard anything else from Social Security or Binder
& Binder. I still have all documents and paperwork from everything. I am including in this mailing
copies of the documents in a timeline order that show how things went. I do not know what they
mean by "failure to comply with the SSA". I did everything that I was supposed to do and made
sure of it.
With my Social Security case, I did everything right, everything that was required, hired a
lawyer, doctors, in-hospital rehab for two weeks at St. Charles Hospital, out-patient rehab also at
the hospital, CAT scans, iodine injection, sonogram or whatever the scanner with the gel is,
lovenox self-injections prescribed, blood tests, cardiologist, neurologist, hematologist, warfarin
prescriptions and weekly blood thinner tests, carbon ankle brace, shower bench, tripod cane,
sleep studies and the prescribed C-PAP machine, the 'EET' test that I was convinced to take in
the hospital during rehab which involves being knocked out and sticking a camera into your
esophagus, Pre-transient Iscemic attack months before where I was brought to Mather in an
ambulance that Maryann was refusing to call, won the case, provided all forms and info, having a
big stack of all these medical records, etc and still do not have the money that is owed to me by
the Social Security Administration. Why don't I have it really? And the compensation for all of
I also have a Social Security document that mentions 're-opening a case'. But that isn't what
happened either for some reason. If there was some issue in getting me my money after winning
the case, it would have been easily remedied by opening the case again and entering the
information that I provided, I can't understand what 'requirement' was possibly not met after
making it as far as easily winning the unnecessary appeal case after waiting two years for that
while doing everything that I was supposed to.
When I got approved, it was after being made to apply again, and I received the same form and
brought it there, answered the same list of questions with the same answers that I mailed in, all
"no"'s, explained the winning the case and being denied situation, and she just went in the back
and came back out and said that I am approved, without having to appeal this time, as I was
initially denied despite all of the medical evidence. So, I have been trying to get help with this
situation from Social Security and general attorney's, and the Inspector General of the SSA with
little or no response ever since. It seems they are mostly there to win the SSI and SSD appeal
cases, but I definitely still feel that I am entitled to this money and that is still owed to me from
winning my appeal case in a federal court, and how much I was looking forward to it and how
much it could have helped me and still would.
I believe that a settlement for possibly millions for pain and suffering, loss, and damages
incurred as a result of their mistakes, and my troubles with having to remain in and exist in a
much worse situation, and the further purpose of theirs to hold onto my money instead of the
right thing is deserved, and feel that I am being lenient with the years of my life effected by this,
now over a decade. They could have easily fixed this problem a long time ago. Even more
frustrating is that they have had my money sitting in their budget unused by anyone, for what
reason? I was found to be permanently disabled by a federal judge. And to force someone in this
situation to have to survive on monthly payments alone, which I also don't believe is possible
alone, is abusive to me and has really prolonged and compounded the stress and difficulty of
things like setting myself up for the future, with a vehicle and a place of my own and even a wife
or really any chance of even anything getting started with any girl, besides having to rely on the
internet and social networking which has really not worked out for me and would find it difficult to
It may not make up for the years that have been lost were I could have progressed and fixed
problems in my life, including still-worsening and even also life-ruining dental health problems
and being stuck in my mother's house before and ever since. With little hope for the future
judging by the lack of any activity when trying to get help with these very important problems. But
the money will definitely help me to live at least a normal adult life, and yes, I even strive for
much better than that. And I still can't imagine this nightmare happening to anyone.
I also don't know why I would have to go through an appeal hearing again to get them to reinstate my payments that were cut off in March 2024, again claiming that I did not provide the requested information, but I have the photo of the large important-stamped envelope and the shipping label that I purchased too, along with a printer to try and take care of this and other problems, and the tracking number does show that it was delivered. And it contained all of my information and documents about the entire situation.
This campaign is for funding my missing payments from SSI, that I should have received from the time that I first applied in July 2013 to the end of 2017 when I started to receive SSI payments, from reapplying. There is also the missing payments from March 2024-25. At the time that I stopped receiving payments, they were $943.00 + $23.00 a month. So missing 60 payments amounts to $57,960.
This money will go a long way, as it would have if I had received it when I was supposed to and for the last year that I have been left with no income. You can look into more about what I need and will use the money for if you look around my X profile @motoheromission.
I have been barely able to drive at all for this entire time, and am on a mission to ride again, as well as promote stroke awareness and advocacy. I have also never really travelled anywhere. There are also the problems with this house. And how I would be much better off on my own and could focus and be more successful at furthering my personal missions and improving my health and recovery, and my life in general. I still live with my disabilities, but I won't let them stop me from accomplishing my life goals and dreams.
I am providing further evidence with links to my files which clearly explain and show what happened to me with photo's screenshots and documents included. They clearly and accurately detail my problems with obtaining any assistance in these matters with the SSA, with most responses that I receive telling me to "contact your local SS office". But I have been trying to contact them for some time and reporting, and filling out complaints about these issues with little or no response. I have attempted to contact Binder & Binder as well with still no response. And I feel that I shouldn't be put through another appeal hearing especially since I already did all of that and won, just to not receive any of my payments in the first place. They also tend to go with the "we can't look at that info, since this about this case and that is from another case that was closed." Hence why I had to apply again in 2017. But I am one person, the same person that applied, was denied, appealed, won the hearing, provided the simple questions form info, and am still to this day missing all of those payments. And I still believe that I didn't do anything wrong and still have the right to my money. But it seems impossible and this has been going on for so long. Most lawyers do not respond, say that they can't handle this type of thing, or that it was too long ago. I still have all of my documents, photos, emails and screenshots of it all from the beginning.
I have been diagnosed with the Stroke events and related impairments, Atrial Fribulation, Lupus Anti-Coagulence, Hyperlipidemia, Tinnitus, Abnormal Gait, and Sleep Apnea.
The phone number that can be found is no longer my number.
SS details and documents:
B & B Complaint:
Benefit Verification Letter:
Department of Justice Complaint:
Request for Reconsideration Complaint:
2024 Summary:
New York AG Complaint:
Direct Express 3/2, which BTW blocked me from purchasing Imaginarium Art and Three Zero Transformers, a invite event PS5, and more:
Please be patient and look through the information. I genuinely appreciate your time and assistance!
Joseph McGough

Joseph McGough
Rocky Point, NY