Emergency Relief for Puerto Rico
Tax deductible
Dear Donors: Thank you for your generous support of recovery efforts in Puerto Rico! We are working to respond quickly to get the necessary funds and equipment where it is needed most. Every dollar of funds donated will go fully to support efforts in Puerto Rico. If you are looking for the most current donation link for supporting recovery efforts from Hurricane Fiona, please donate at the new fundraiser link https://gofund.me/ecfea0d8. If you or have donated at this link, rest assured that all funds are completely allocated to Puerto Rico recovery efforts, and all your recent donations are completely allocated to the hurricane disaster recovery effort in Puerto Rico. Thank you for your support of recovery in Puerto Rico!
Earthquake, 2020
Descripción EN ESPAÑOL mas abajo
Starting with a 6.5 magnitude earthquake on January 7th 2020, over 300 earthquakes and aftershocks have rocked the Southwest Portion of Puerto Rico, impacting homes, schools and businesses. People are afraid to sleep in their homes due to the high probability of an earthquake during the night or early morning. Many homes are permanently damaged and unfit for habitation. Over 8,000 people are without homes, and either sleeping in shelters or even in the streets. According to geologists, even more earthquakes are expected to occur, leaving Puerto Rico and its inhabitants subject to further damage and disruption of daily lives.
Ridge to Reefs has worked extensively in this area of Puerto Rico working to reduce impacts to coral reefs and to remediate water pollution. We have close ties to non-profit organizations in this area including Protectores de Cuencas (River Protectors) as well as farmers and other organizations. Our on-the-ground team has seen the effects of the earthquake first-hand, and confirm that the impacts are more severe than can possibly be depicted in pictures and videos. It is our hope to provide as much support as possible in this time of great need.
RTR is asking for financial donations to provide support to the area -- things like sturdy, rainproof tents, sleeping bags and pads, mosquito nets and repellents are all needed for this situation. Locals are also without many medical supplies and refrigeration to preserve these supplies as well as foodstuffs. In addition to providing provisions, financial contributions will help continue our work assisting farms with off-grid water and refrigeration systems-- helping them to be resilient with the unstable water and electrical grid. This technology provides a sustainable solution that can be used again in other times of need, increasing our potential to make long-term positive impacts.
Prior to all of this Hurricane Maria made landfall as a category 4 storm in Puerto Rico on September 20th, 2017. The powerful winds ripped the roofs off of homes, uprooted trees and brought down power lines leaving 100% of the island and her 3.5 million residents without power, potable water or communication. While some residents were blessed to have their homes and personal property spared, many people have suffered crippling losses from the storm.
Ridge to Reefs (RTR) is an environmental organization that has been working in Puerto Rico for the past 10 years. We work with local communities doing watershed restoration and conservation. You can find more information about the work RTR does at www.ridgetoreefs.org . Our Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to helping local communities with environmental restoration, but today we need your help to provide disaster relief to rural communities in Puerto Rico.
Unlike donations to national organizations that can take months to begin distributing funds, your support to us will have an immediate and substantial impact in Puerto Rico as we are coordinating with partners and communities on the ground in Puerto Rico.
Together, we can help restore Puerto Rico back to the place that we all know and love.
We appreciate any help you can provide!
Refuge Camps in Southern PR

Solar-Powered Refrigeration Design

El 20 de septiembre de 2017, el huracán María tocó tierra como una tormenta de categoría 4 en Puerto Rico. Los poderosos vientos arrancaron los techos de los hogares, arrancaron árboles y derribaron líneas eléctricas dejando el 100% de la isla y sus 3.5 millones de habitantes, sin agua potable o comunicación. Muchas personas han sufrido pérdidas paralizantes por este huracan.
Ridge to Reefs (RTR) es una organización ambiental que ha estado trabajando en Puerto Rico durante los últimos 10 años. Trabajamos con comunidades locales realizando restauración y conservación de cuencas. Para más información sobre el trabajo que RTR hace en PR visite www.ridgetoreefs.org Nuestra Organización es un 501 (c) (3) sin fines de lucro comprometida a ayudar a las comunidades locales con la restauración ambiental, pero hoy necesitamos su apoyo para proporcionar ayuda a las comunidades rurales en Puerto Rico.
RTR está solicitando donaciones financieras para apoyar a refugios y comunidades rurales de las regiones sur, oeste y centro de la isla. Estamos trabjando con Aqua Mira y Goal Zero para proveer sistemas de purificación de agua y sistemas portátiles de energía solar con inversores y baterías para proporcionar apoyo esencial a las comunidades rurales que más se han visto afectadas y que se prevé que no tengan energía durante 4-6 meses.
Específicamente, hemos coordinado la donación de un vuelo privado a Puerto Rico y estamos coordinando con colegas en Puerto Rico - para que los sistemas de purificación de agua sean pequeños y los sistemas de tratamiento de 2500 galones por día estén en los lugares donde sea más necesitados. Además, estamos organizando para la energía solar de pequeña escala y sistemas de comunicaciones satelitales.
A diferencia de las donaciones a organizaciones nacionales que pueden tardar meses en comenzar a distribuir fondos, su apoyo a nosotros tendrá un impacto inmediato y sustancial en Puerto Rico, ya que estamos coordinando con socios y comunidades sobre en Puerto Rico.
Aquí una lista de algunos de los equipos a comprar:
1) Small community scale (2500 gallons per day) http://www.aquamira.com/product/divvy-250-emergency-water-system/
2) Several neighbors (120 gallons per filter) http://www.aquamira.com/product/waterbasics-60-gallon-water-storage-kit-with-filter/ ($200)
3) Individual/ family scale ($25) Sawyer Mini Filter
4) Communications - Iridium Satellite Hotspots
Juntos, podemos ayudar a restaurar Puerto Rico de vuelta al lugar que todos conocemos y amamos.
¡Apreciamos cualquier ayuda que usted pueda proporcionar!
Ridge to Reefs
Eldersburg, MD
Ridge to Reefs