Summer Trip to Europe
Hi, for those who don't already know me personally allow me to introduce myself. I'm Riley, I make art and write words on a blog (spiritandsoulblog.com) that is expanding considerably this year. This campaign is to help raise funds for a trip to Europe during the summer of 2016. The goal I need to meet will cover travel & living expenses for the 2 weeks I will be adventuring in Europe. It would be so incredible of you to help me make this trip happen.
I have been invited to go on a 'City-Hopping' trip with 4 other incredible Creatives. On this trip we will be exploring Europe for two weeks. We will be visiting places like London, Paris, Rome, Munich, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Dublin, taking lots of trains and wandering the cities. It just so happens that the planning of this trip falls around the time of my 18th birthday; a perfect time in my life to experience International Culture and to see the world.
As some of you may already know, I have chosen, and am on a path less traveled, as I am working on building a career & future doing what I love most. Rather than pursuing a 'regular' job just to make money, I am pursuing my passions as a blogger and artist to build a career that I love and can grow however I choose (who knows what else will come with time). Yes, some of you may think I am slightly crazy, but I know that I am completely capable and deserving.
This year I will be growing the blog into my primary source of income, unfortunately I won't have that in place in time to book this trip, so as my birthday present I humbley ask whoever wishes to offer a gift some assistance in reaching my financial goal.
This trip will be beneficial in many ways, not only for myself and my personal growth, but also it will contribute to my blog content & portfolio of artist endeavors. I will be able to get a better variety of photographs for blog posts. Getting to see some of the world will inspire tons of inspiration for both blog topics and art ideas.
This trip is a once in a lifetime chance. Yes, I can go travel Europe in the future, but with this group of people and during this time of my life, that won't happen again. I truly believe that if I wasn't supposed to go on this trip, the opportunity wouldn't have presented itself. I would be so appreciative of you should you be able to help me reach this goal and go on this trip.