Let's Keep Sunny Rolling!
Donation protected
Wheelchair-Accessible Van Urgently Needed!
Who is Sunny Roller?
Sunny Roller is a woman who is paralyzed from the waist down from childhood polio. Although she has a severe disability, her name, Sunny, describes her attitude and outlook on life. Early on she made a decision to be a positive force for good in the world, helping and inspiring many people, especially those with disabilities and even reaching out to others who are facing physical challenges as they age.
Polio Rears Its Ugly Head Again
Sunny taught school for ten years wearing leg braces and using crutches, but her teaching career ended when she began to experience unexpected debiltating pain, weakness and fatigue. Having become even more disabled, she was unable to work for several years and after five incorrect diagnoses, she finally received medical help at the University of Michigan. There she learned her signs and symptoms matched those of the Late Effects of Polio (often referred to as Post-Polio Syndrome) which can strike survivors 30 to 40 years after the initial polio onset. (To learn more about the Late Effects of Polio go to: http://www.post-polio.org/ )
Life-Changing Late Effects of Polio
This trauma was life-changing for Sunny. From walking with braces and crutches, she was forced to use a scooter much of the time. From driving a standard vehicle with hand controls, she required a wheelchair-accessible van. In addition, her need for costly adaptive medical equipment and services increased, while her earning power decreased to match her new limited energy and stamina. Out of this crisis, Sunny decided to channel her angst and distress and turn it around to help others. She began a new chapter in her life.
A New Life Mission
Beginning as an unpaid volunteer, she wrote for small grants to fund her new minimal part-time income. This funding allowed her to join forces with her physician to help with medical research and education to reach desperate and suffering polio survivors who had never heard of the Late Effects of Polio. Sunny is now a writer, educator, speaker and tireless advocate for the ongoing needs of polio survivors. Her work and efforts have spanned three decades and reached polio survivors worldwide.
Learn more about Sunny's story and read her blog here:http://www.sunnyrollerblog.com/

Why She Needs Our Help
To get around every day Sunny uses her three-wheeled electric scooter and for transportation she depends on a wheelchair-adapted van with special hand controls, rotating electric driver’s seat and a space for her 150-pound scooter that must go with her everywhere. Standard vehicles cannot transport the heavy scooter, so a special wheelchair-adapted van is her only source of mobility and transportation. Sadly, Ubers, taxis, or rides from friends are not an option for Sunny.
Urgent and Crucial
Sunny’s current wheelchair adapted van is now 15 years old and has become dangerous, even frightening to drive and is increasingly expensive and almost impossible to fix. It is her only means of transportation and an urgent and critical necessity for her. Without a van she will be unable to get to her part-time work opportunities and volunteer activities; accept teaching and speaking engagements; attend planning meetings and support groups for polio survivors; make important doctor and physical therapy appointments and attend outings and events with her friends and family.
Sunny needs a new, reliable adapted van now, but because of its customization a new van will cost $75,000. She gets by on her social security-based income and, at 71, continues to work small part-time jobs, but without our financial support to replace her van, Sunny will not only lose her freedom and independence but will truly be confined to her home. She desperately needs our help!

How Can You Help Keep Sunny Rolling?
1. Donate! Any amount helps reach the goal of $75,000! You can easily give to the cause by donating here. Just click on the gold "Donate Now" button above.
To donate privately
you may also write a check payable to: Allison Roller
and mail it to:
PO Box 131236
Ann Arbor, MI 48113
you may write a check payable to: Trinity Lutheran Church
and write "Sunnyvan" in the memo space on the check.
Then mail it to:
Trinity Lutheran Church
1400 West Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor MI 48103
(a donation statement from the church will be sent to you at the end of the year)
If you donate $500.00 or more, we would love to mail you one or both of our major donor thank you gifts below. Just email a message from here with your address and we will quickly send you a token of our sincere appreciation.
A commemorative coffee mug or tote bag:

2. Help us spread the word by sharing Sunny’s story on your Facebook timeline, with your family, your co-workers, your colleagues, your community, your neighbors, your friends, your social network, your clients or your customers. You get the idea. Whatever you can do to help is appreciated. To share this story with others, copy the link: https://www.gofundme.com/sunnyvan and paste it into a phone text message or into an email message.
Thank you for being part of this miracle-in-the-making! All of us on Sunny’s team appreciate your support and for being part of this truly life-altering project. We cannot reach our goal without your help, but together we can “keep Sunny rolling.”
--Keep Sunny Rolling Team--
Bottom Row left-right: Tori and Laurie
Top Row left-right: Rosalie, Wendy, and Sue
Sunny believes there are wonderful miracles just around the corner for anyone who is open to receiving them. True to her positive outlook, Sunny remains optimistic through every challenge, grateful for all the blessings in her life, and forever believing “all things are possible.”

Who is Sunny Roller?
Sunny Roller is a woman who is paralyzed from the waist down from childhood polio. Although she has a severe disability, her name, Sunny, describes her attitude and outlook on life. Early on she made a decision to be a positive force for good in the world, helping and inspiring many people, especially those with disabilities and even reaching out to others who are facing physical challenges as they age.
Polio Rears Its Ugly Head Again
Sunny taught school for ten years wearing leg braces and using crutches, but her teaching career ended when she began to experience unexpected debiltating pain, weakness and fatigue. Having become even more disabled, she was unable to work for several years and after five incorrect diagnoses, she finally received medical help at the University of Michigan. There she learned her signs and symptoms matched those of the Late Effects of Polio (often referred to as Post-Polio Syndrome) which can strike survivors 30 to 40 years after the initial polio onset. (To learn more about the Late Effects of Polio go to: http://www.post-polio.org/ )
Life-Changing Late Effects of Polio
This trauma was life-changing for Sunny. From walking with braces and crutches, she was forced to use a scooter much of the time. From driving a standard vehicle with hand controls, she required a wheelchair-accessible van. In addition, her need for costly adaptive medical equipment and services increased, while her earning power decreased to match her new limited energy and stamina. Out of this crisis, Sunny decided to channel her angst and distress and turn it around to help others. She began a new chapter in her life.
A New Life Mission
Beginning as an unpaid volunteer, she wrote for small grants to fund her new minimal part-time income. This funding allowed her to join forces with her physician to help with medical research and education to reach desperate and suffering polio survivors who had never heard of the Late Effects of Polio. Sunny is now a writer, educator, speaker and tireless advocate for the ongoing needs of polio survivors. Her work and efforts have spanned three decades and reached polio survivors worldwide.
Learn more about Sunny's story and read her blog here:http://www.sunnyrollerblog.com/

Why She Needs Our Help
To get around every day Sunny uses her three-wheeled electric scooter and for transportation she depends on a wheelchair-adapted van with special hand controls, rotating electric driver’s seat and a space for her 150-pound scooter that must go with her everywhere. Standard vehicles cannot transport the heavy scooter, so a special wheelchair-adapted van is her only source of mobility and transportation. Sadly, Ubers, taxis, or rides from friends are not an option for Sunny.
Urgent and Crucial
Sunny’s current wheelchair adapted van is now 15 years old and has become dangerous, even frightening to drive and is increasingly expensive and almost impossible to fix. It is her only means of transportation and an urgent and critical necessity for her. Without a van she will be unable to get to her part-time work opportunities and volunteer activities; accept teaching and speaking engagements; attend planning meetings and support groups for polio survivors; make important doctor and physical therapy appointments and attend outings and events with her friends and family.
Sunny needs a new, reliable adapted van now, but because of its customization a new van will cost $75,000. She gets by on her social security-based income and, at 71, continues to work small part-time jobs, but without our financial support to replace her van, Sunny will not only lose her freedom and independence but will truly be confined to her home. She desperately needs our help!

How Can You Help Keep Sunny Rolling?
1. Donate! Any amount helps reach the goal of $75,000! You can easily give to the cause by donating here. Just click on the gold "Donate Now" button above.
To donate privately
you may also write a check payable to: Allison Roller
and mail it to:
PO Box 131236
Ann Arbor, MI 48113
you may write a check payable to: Trinity Lutheran Church
and write "Sunnyvan" in the memo space on the check.
Then mail it to:
Trinity Lutheran Church
1400 West Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor MI 48103
(a donation statement from the church will be sent to you at the end of the year)
If you donate $500.00 or more, we would love to mail you one or both of our major donor thank you gifts below. Just email a message from here with your address and we will quickly send you a token of our sincere appreciation.
A commemorative coffee mug or tote bag:

2. Help us spread the word by sharing Sunny’s story on your Facebook timeline, with your family, your co-workers, your colleagues, your community, your neighbors, your friends, your social network, your clients or your customers. You get the idea. Whatever you can do to help is appreciated. To share this story with others, copy the link: https://www.gofundme.com/sunnyvan and paste it into a phone text message or into an email message.
Thank you for being part of this miracle-in-the-making! All of us on Sunny’s team appreciate your support and for being part of this truly life-altering project. We cannot reach our goal without your help, but together we can “keep Sunny rolling.”

Bottom Row left-right: Tori and Laurie
Top Row left-right: Rosalie, Wendy, and Sue
Sunny believes there are wonderful miracles just around the corner for anyone who is open to receiving them. True to her positive outlook, Sunny remains optimistic through every challenge, grateful for all the blessings in her life, and forever believing “all things are possible.”

Fundraising team: Keep Sunny Rolling Team (4)
Sunny Roller
Ann Arbor, MI
Rosalie Meyer
Team member
Laurie Wellman
Team member
Norma Graflund
Team member
Tori Essex
Team member