Hurricane Maria -Food and Medicine
Donation protected
I had the honor of working with first responder Lakchmy Ortega, her husband Jason recently in PR. They both tirelessly & sacrificially brought herself to Puerto Rico with her family with her own satellite phone connecting disconnected families & disenfranchised groups across the island to let them know they were ok, & has helped coordinate countless projects getting medically needy people off the island, working with local players & players on the mainland to get urgent care where it is needed. She is working with other players like Volunteers of America, municipalities who had make shift clinics to bring doctors together with patients needing prescriptions etc. She has played a critical role helping connect folks with her satellite phone & tireless efforts bringing groups, professionals, doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, you name it. She is a angel with her heart in the right place. She is also working together with Swift Air, Jet Aviation to help bring cargo & support folks to Puerto Rico & help save lives getting sick people from there.
Alma Blair of Paradise Vacations & Villas has also been working with these same groups to get the right people on those flights. I had a link on my page to help point potential evacuees in touch. She could really use your support as these projects get more & more moving towards their goals. Please contact her if there are ways you can help with some of the legwork in some of her projects, making calls, raising money, managing projects, connecting with other players. It is all so very appreciated! Lakchmy is a leader & an extremely hard working that gets things done. So please help her with these relief projects any way you can. Whether you are on the ground in PR, or in FL, Chicago, NYC, or any other the communities really wanting to help & learn how, she can help get you involved with the right players to make this happen. You can reach her at [email redacted].

Puerto Rico needs urgent help. I relocated to Long Island, NY from Puerto Rico 1 year ago and while being there I worked as a teacher, volunteer for Boy Scouts, Red Cross and so many community organizations. I know that immediate help is needed. Most of us haven't been able to communicate with friends or family members. We will be arriving with supplies and a satelite phone for instant communication.
I will be traveling to Puerto Rico Friday September 22. Meeting with LOCAL community leaders in Puerto Rico to hand in what we may gather with this first effort.
Because I lived through many hurricanes in Puerto Rico, I know first hand how there many corruption patterns that may repeat and fund may not go 100% to our most needy communities as many people hope when donating.
A little can go far. Please donate, share, be part of this effort. 100% will go towards our island, our people. Leave your donation, help us rebuild.
#Iwashere #PRselevanta
Alma Blair of Paradise Vacations & Villas has also been working with these same groups to get the right people on those flights. I had a link on my page to help point potential evacuees in touch. She could really use your support as these projects get more & more moving towards their goals. Please contact her if there are ways you can help with some of the legwork in some of her projects, making calls, raising money, managing projects, connecting with other players. It is all so very appreciated! Lakchmy is a leader & an extremely hard working that gets things done. So please help her with these relief projects any way you can. Whether you are on the ground in PR, or in FL, Chicago, NYC, or any other the communities really wanting to help & learn how, she can help get you involved with the right players to make this happen. You can reach her at [email redacted].

Puerto Rico needs urgent help. I relocated to Long Island, NY from Puerto Rico 1 year ago and while being there I worked as a teacher, volunteer for Boy Scouts, Red Cross and so many community organizations. I know that immediate help is needed. Most of us haven't been able to communicate with friends or family members. We will be arriving with supplies and a satelite phone for instant communication.
I will be traveling to Puerto Rico Friday September 22. Meeting with LOCAL community leaders in Puerto Rico to hand in what we may gather with this first effort.
Because I lived through many hurricanes in Puerto Rico, I know first hand how there many corruption patterns that may repeat and fund may not go 100% to our most needy communities as many people hope when donating.
A little can go far. Please donate, share, be part of this effort. 100% will go towards our island, our people. Leave your donation, help us rebuild.
#Iwashere #PRselevanta
Lakchmy Ortega
Lake Grove, NY