Support 4th African Space Generation Workshop
Tax deductible

Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), a non-governmental, non-profit, is raising funds to support top African students and young professionals to attend the 4th Africa Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) to be held on 25th February - 26th February 2021 in Accra, Ghana. SGAC has selected the best students and young professionals from all across Africa for an intense 2-day workshop with lectures, panel discussions, and working group sessions.
The two-day regional workshop will bring together university students, young professionals and industry representatives to examine, consider and collaboratively stimulate interdisciplinary perspectives on space and scientific matters in the African region. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts from academia, businesses and space agencies through plenary and panel sessions, and interdisciplinary working group discussions.
The workshop will gather over 100 delegates from diverse fields (engineering, business, science, arts, medicine and law) from all around Africa, these exchanges will focus on critical space sector opportunities and challenges, global policy initiatives and international cooperation. All discussions are expected to produce recommendations to relevant public, private and non-governmental stakeholders, helping to shape the future of the African space sector. Reports and recommendations from the workshop will be presented at high-level conferences and included in the SGAC annual report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) and at the African Union space activities committees.
Why should you donate?
Support the African youth to participate in an international, interdisciplinary workshop on space. The delegates selected represent the best of Africa and thus you would be supporting the development of the leaders of the future African space workforce.
Space science and technology can play a leading role in the development of nations as well, with examples such as telemedicine, telecommunications access to remote areas, food security, and disaster management all playing an important role in reducing poverty and combating many social issues. Thus, your donation would be supporting the future of Africa as well.
The workshop will expose participants to the latest trends and challenges in the space sector, and give them real-world experience of working in a multi-cultural, multi-national group on actual issues facing the continent. Previous SGAC workshops have literally changed lives where delegates have met potential mentors, advisors and even employers as well.
SGAC is a well-known, reliable youth organisation reporting to the United Nations that has successfully organised numerous events around the world. Regional events rely heavily on regional sponsorship, and in Africa, this presents a challenge because of the general lack of funding for space initiatives.

What will your donation be used for?
Your donation will help make the event more affordable for young professionals and students from all over Africa to participate by subsidising part of the event costs. The standard event rate (this event is held in various regions globally) is $60 for a Young Professional ticket, and $40 for a Student ticket. In order to make it more affordable to attendees, these prices have been cut to $40 (YP) and $20 (student). With up to 100 projected attendees, this amounts to a $2000 subsidy which we are hoping to recover through this campaign! A $20 donation is thus making it possible for another delegate to attend the workshop.
The remaining income from the subsidised tickets currently only covers 20% of the cost of the event. We need your help to get the rest! In addition, we need to feed these 100 delegates as well as the experts who donate their time to come speak and teach at the workshop. Your donation will directly support the cost of 2 refreshment breaks and lunch, on both days of the workshop. This is projected to cost over $2000 as well.
For most of our delegates, this is the first or only opportunity they get to participate in an event of this magnitude on the topic of Space. For many, this will be their first trip outside of their own country. The workshop tries to provide them with some useful materials which they can take back to their home countries. We also try to ensure that our delegates have access to the internet during the workshop in order to facilitate their ability to research topics and share information. Your donation will also go towards the printing cost of these materials and the cost of providing internet access to the delegates.
If we are able to exceed our funding goal, any surplus donations will be put towards feeding our delegates on one or both nights of the workshop, thereby aiding further in affordability and ensuring that our delegates do not have to struggle to source their own evening meals in an unknown city and country. These hosted evening meals will allow our delegates further opportunities to interact with each other and learn from each other, strengthening the bonds that the AF-SGW hopes to foster between the future space leaders of the African continent.
For corporate sponsorship or further enquiry please contact:
Event Manager: Kingsley Ahenkora-Duodu ([email redacted])
Deputy Event Manager: Charles-Aimé Nzeussi Mbouendeu (charles-[email redacted])

Washington D.C., DC
Space Generation Advisory Council