Support Alyssa #Sardelli Strong
Alyssa’s battle began in December 2014 when she found a lump in her breast. In January 2015 she was faced with the devastating diagnosis of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy in February 2015 to remove the tumor and breast tissue. After she recovered from surgery, she endured 5 months of chemotherapy.
Through this process she had her ups and downs but was so optimistic, staying positive, goofy and had a smile on her face. She had so many of you supporting her, along with the most amazing family & close friends. She was in REMISSION.
Fast forward to November 15, 2017. She went in for a CT scan to follow up on her pneumonia and was told she had 2 brain tumors. She was immediately admitted to Albany Med for testing and to help with her breathing. Less than 48 hours later, a 3.5cm tumor was removed from her brain. While she recovers, she continues to undergo more tests and scans. She is currently waiting for results before her treatment plan can be determined. Within 2-3 weeks she will most likely begin radiation to treat the other brain tumors and afterwards, chemo to treat the other areas of metastatic disease in her body.
More than ever, she NEEDS our prayers, love, support, positive vibes & faith. Updates will be posted on her facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/sardellistrong)
as she learns more throughout this process. She is a friend, sister, daughter, fiancé & fur-mom but most of all, she’s a warrior. If anyone can win this fight, it’s her.
During this difficult time, she has used up her vacation time at work and will not be working for an unknown period of time (she will be receiving disability, yes, but the dollar amount is limited). In addition to her usual bills and expenses, she will begin racking up medical bills (insurance does not cover everything, unfortunately) and any little bit could really help her and her fiance to stress about one less thing while she fights for her life against this terrible disease.
Thank you for your love and support.