Support for the Wood Family
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In August of 2012 my dad Irwin Wood severely injured his knee while working. In September of the same year he was scheduled to have an operation to help his knee. We were hopeful the surgery would give him the ability to walk easily again and for him to be able to get back doing what he loves-driving his school bus. The surgery did not go well. After aspirating on the table and almost dying, we realized a while after the operation that his knee was not better, in fact, it was worse.
After seeing a specialist in Halifax that December, he was told that too much cartilage was removed during the surgery and that is was very unsuccessful. After this, we spoke to another specialist to inquire about a knee replacement. This doctor was unable to see us as the wait list was about 2 years long.
In the meantime with wear and tear on one leg, it affected the other. His other knee started giving him a lot of trouble, leading to falling down the stairs numerous times, as well as falling when walking. Because of these falls he suffers from sciatic nerve pain which has started shooting into his head, causing him to have disabling, severe pains.
His quality of life since 2012 has diminished from an able-bodied, middle-aged man who loved his job, working outside on landscaping and building, to someone who is wheelchair bound most days, and can’t get up out of bed because of severe total body pain.
In January of this year, he had an osteotomy on his left knee (which wasn’t the original knee he injured). This surgery gave him a lot of hope, but it too was not successful. So now he has to look into getting both knees replaced, which may be our last option.
On top of all of this, in 2015 worker’s compensation (which he had been on since 2012) cut him off, stating pretty much that because he had the (unsuccessful..) procedure, he should be able to go back to work. Even opinions from our family doctor and other specialists in different provinces stating that he is unable to return to work fell on deaf ears. He has since internally appealed their decision and lost. Now he is appealing it externally in hopes they will reverse their decision. This article touches on his struggle with appealing their decision.
In January of this year he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis by the neurologist he saw in Moncton, New Brunswick. He was told there is nothing that can be surgically done for his back. Right now we are waiting to see if he is able to get a nerve block to help relieve some of his back pain. Which means another trip to Moncton/Halifax.
All of this has not only affected him physically. This has been an incredibly hard adjustment for him mentally. He no longer can do the things he loves and what makes him who he is. He has always been such a positive man who always makes the best of everything and looks for the positive in less than ideal situations. But lately it’s getting hard for him to stay hopeful. Our house needs a lot of repairs that he would typically be able to do but because of his condition, can’t. We also need a wheelchair ramp on the house, as well as other additions that make him able to easily get around the house. He currently sleeps in the living room on his bed because he is unable to go up the stairs to his room to sleep. Here, he has no privacy. So we are looking to build an additional room on the main floor of our house.
They need help financially to keep up with my dad’s medical costs. On top of that, since having my dad’s compensation cut off, bills are piling up and we cannot keep up with them. To add to our stress, this past Saturday our water pump stopped working which means we have to get a new well put in ASAP, which costs thousands of dollars.
This is a breakdown of our costs right now:
Medication - $300/month
Out of Province Travel for Dr. - $250/month
Bills/Mortgage - $2,000/month
Car Expenses - $1000
Water Well - $6,000
Accessibility additions (wheelchair ramp, bathroom fixtures, extra room..etc) to our house - $8000
My parents have given my sister and I everything they could possibly give us while growing up and I want to give back. It’s so difficult to watch them struggle while my dad’s health deteriorates with little to no help from doctors and while my mom juggles the stress of working and taking care of everyone around her, including her mother who was been diagnosed with cancer last year. I do what I can do to help them but lately I am at a loss. My dad needs to focus on healing, but instead he is constantly stressed, worrying about how the bills are going to get paid and he is a very proud man who doesn't ask for help. My mom works evenings full-time which leaves my little sister to make sure my dad is taken care of which is very stressful for her too. My parents never ask us, or anyone else for that matter, for anything. They are 2 of the most selfless, compassionate and incredible people I’ve ever known and I want so badly to ease their stress.
All I want is for my dad to get better; it is heartbreaking to see his hope fade away. But I believe in the power of humans to come together at times of need, and today I am asking for your help. Even if you can spare a couple of dollars, it is so greatly appreciated
Thank you so much,
Hilary, Mallory, Shelley and Irwin Wood
After seeing a specialist in Halifax that December, he was told that too much cartilage was removed during the surgery and that is was very unsuccessful. After this, we spoke to another specialist to inquire about a knee replacement. This doctor was unable to see us as the wait list was about 2 years long.
In the meantime with wear and tear on one leg, it affected the other. His other knee started giving him a lot of trouble, leading to falling down the stairs numerous times, as well as falling when walking. Because of these falls he suffers from sciatic nerve pain which has started shooting into his head, causing him to have disabling, severe pains.
His quality of life since 2012 has diminished from an able-bodied, middle-aged man who loved his job, working outside on landscaping and building, to someone who is wheelchair bound most days, and can’t get up out of bed because of severe total body pain.
In January of this year, he had an osteotomy on his left knee (which wasn’t the original knee he injured). This surgery gave him a lot of hope, but it too was not successful. So now he has to look into getting both knees replaced, which may be our last option.
On top of all of this, in 2015 worker’s compensation (which he had been on since 2012) cut him off, stating pretty much that because he had the (unsuccessful..) procedure, he should be able to go back to work. Even opinions from our family doctor and other specialists in different provinces stating that he is unable to return to work fell on deaf ears. He has since internally appealed their decision and lost. Now he is appealing it externally in hopes they will reverse their decision. This article touches on his struggle with appealing their decision.
In January of this year he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis by the neurologist he saw in Moncton, New Brunswick. He was told there is nothing that can be surgically done for his back. Right now we are waiting to see if he is able to get a nerve block to help relieve some of his back pain. Which means another trip to Moncton/Halifax.
All of this has not only affected him physically. This has been an incredibly hard adjustment for him mentally. He no longer can do the things he loves and what makes him who he is. He has always been such a positive man who always makes the best of everything and looks for the positive in less than ideal situations. But lately it’s getting hard for him to stay hopeful. Our house needs a lot of repairs that he would typically be able to do but because of his condition, can’t. We also need a wheelchair ramp on the house, as well as other additions that make him able to easily get around the house. He currently sleeps in the living room on his bed because he is unable to go up the stairs to his room to sleep. Here, he has no privacy. So we are looking to build an additional room on the main floor of our house.
They need help financially to keep up with my dad’s medical costs. On top of that, since having my dad’s compensation cut off, bills are piling up and we cannot keep up with them. To add to our stress, this past Saturday our water pump stopped working which means we have to get a new well put in ASAP, which costs thousands of dollars.
This is a breakdown of our costs right now:
Medication - $300/month
Out of Province Travel for Dr. - $250/month
Bills/Mortgage - $2,000/month
Car Expenses - $1000
Water Well - $6,000
Accessibility additions (wheelchair ramp, bathroom fixtures, extra room..etc) to our house - $8000
My parents have given my sister and I everything they could possibly give us while growing up and I want to give back. It’s so difficult to watch them struggle while my dad’s health deteriorates with little to no help from doctors and while my mom juggles the stress of working and taking care of everyone around her, including her mother who was been diagnosed with cancer last year. I do what I can do to help them but lately I am at a loss. My dad needs to focus on healing, but instead he is constantly stressed, worrying about how the bills are going to get paid and he is a very proud man who doesn't ask for help. My mom works evenings full-time which leaves my little sister to make sure my dad is taken care of which is very stressful for her too. My parents never ask us, or anyone else for that matter, for anything. They are 2 of the most selfless, compassionate and incredible people I’ve ever known and I want so badly to ease their stress.
All I want is for my dad to get better; it is heartbreaking to see his hope fade away. But I believe in the power of humans to come together at times of need, and today I am asking for your help. Even if you can spare a couple of dollars, it is so greatly appreciated
Thank you so much,
Hilary, Mallory, Shelley and Irwin Wood
Hilary Wood
York, PE