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Support for Tito’s Medical Costs and family

Spende geschützt
Hey everyone: 

We are reaching out to y’all today for any support you can give for Tito and his family in this time of need. I am Clayton Baines, Tito’s cousin, best friend, and business partner. We live in San Antonio, TX. He has given so much to our cycling, music, and art communities, and now he’s the one that needs our help. Anything and everything helps! For those that aren’t aware, Tito was struck from behind by a vehicle driven by an intoxicated person around midnight April 1st. He was unresponsive and eventually we lost him. His heart is being donated and they already have a recipient. Even if it’s a dollar or a prayer we wanna thank you for the support.  We plan to use these funds for his memorial services, His final expenses, to pay off whatever bills he had left including some from our business and to make sure his son has something.



  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Clayton Baines
San Antonio, TX
Harry Bradshaw

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