Support NEW! DE State Park K9's
New adventures are on the horizon for the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation as we are expanding our Delaware Natural Resources Police; State Park Enforcement by 8 PAWS! In addition to our 20-officer staff, two dual-purpose canine units will be dedicated to enhancing the safety of park patrons as well as neighboring communities.
With such popularity and positive feedback from our parks community about our new K9s Leo and Vos, folks have been asking how they can contribute to Delaware State Parks’ newest four-legged employees and the team that supports them! We believe this new addition to our parks family would be a great way for people to support our park system who would like to do so. All donations raised will support Delaware State Parks and their new K9 Unit.
As a 65%, self-funded state agency, the division is seeking support to offset the initial first year $20,000 startup cost of acquiring, housing, and training both the northern and southern Delaware K9 teams.
Currently, Delaware State Parks has raised $4,500:
-$2,500 donation from the Friends of Cape Henlopen
-$2,000 donated by a non-profit partner, the Blue Heron Agility Association of Delaware in order to purchase bulletproof vests for the canines.
Donations can be made either through this Go Fund Me Page or be directly given to Delaware State Parks via their Delaware Community Foundation account.
Checks can be mailed to:
Delaware Community Foundation
PO Box 1636
Wilmington, DE 19899
Please add to the memo line: Delaware State Parks Fund
Meet our Teams!
-Northern Team, based out of Lums Pond State Park. Officer Ditmore and Leo, which stands for Law Enforcement Officer, will be patrolling the northern state parks and surrounding areas
-Southern Team, based out of Cape Henlopen State Park. Officer Lister and Vos, will be patrolling the southern state parks including Trap Pond as well as Kent County, including Killens Pond State Park.
Each dog will specialize in different capacities allowing State Park
Enforcement to utilize each canine’s ability to ensure the safety of our 5 million annual visitors. The new Canine Team will support the mission of Delaware State Parks, which is providing visitors with safe and enjoyable recreational opportunities. While the primary responsibility of these canines will be public safety, they will also be focused on community outreach. Once trained, Vos, Leo, and their officers have a mission to conduct educational programs and demonstrations for camps, schools, and at community events each year!
Businesses looking for other ways to donate to Vos and Leo's care please contact Caroline Kane; [email redacted].us