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Support Prof. Bennett's Fight for transparency

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Professor Bennett represented a student in the LGBT community in her department who was having trouble with a grant administrator at University of Idaho releasing funds for a grant the student was awarded. Believing discrimination was occurring, Professor Bennett exchanged heated emails with her department at the university and her department chair. Subsequently Professor Bennett was unceremoniously put on administrative leave then barred from campus in a campus wide text alert alleging methamphetamine use and access to firearms. Professor Bennett is not using methamphetamines and there are no firearms in her home, contrary to the slanderous text message sent campus-wide to Professor Bennett's peers, students and all others affiliated with the University of Idaho. 

Professor Bennett is seeking legal remedies and needs a substantial legal fund to challenge a state university for their continued backing of a grant administrator and department heads who violate students' and professors' rights. Professor Bennett is committed to fighting this ongoing injustice not just for her personally but to see a change in all future grant administrations at the University of Idaho. 

Your donation to Professor Bennett's legal fund will be used only for her legal expenses and is greatly appreciated. Professor Bennett is an unfailing voice in the cry for equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation, through her professional documentaries, writings, and continual recitation of the issues facing our LGBT communities. Please support her in her fight for transparency and justice against a University administration stuck a few decades behind the times.


Brad Janssen
Moscow, ID

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