Support The Zan Show
I have an interest in electronics and programming and everything I know about these topics has been self-taught using teachers on the internet. I have spent thousands of hours teaching myself what I know. Now I am returning to the community by publishing high quality video tutorials on YouTube.
I find the internet to be a great resource for learning but I regularly run into issues of incomplete or erroneous learning material. This leads me and other students to a great deal of frustration. Often times the details for an in-depth understanding of a topic would be fragmented across multiple platforms and teachers. Through my videos (what I call "The Zan Show") I am hoping to consolidate in-depth topics into one teaching style and platform. Although it may not be for everyone, I feel a centralized repository of content geared for a beginner to the world of electronics and software could benefit people across the world.
I don't reach a large audience, and I never will. I teach niche topics. The audience who does find me appreciates the work I do, though. Some of my fans have asked how they can support the work I do. I have spent a considerable amount purchasing AV equipment to perform quality shoots. I continue to purchase devices for projects for furthering the content taught. A larger operational budget would allow me to undertake larger (more expensive) projects for teaching. If you're interested in supporting my efforts, or would like to just get me a beer as a 'thank you,' I would greatly appreciate it!
If you're interested in some of the content I've released, you can find me on YouTube (under my name), or on my website: thezanshow.com.