Zoe Lee Morris' Support Fund
Zoe sings her fave worship song to the Lord,
while on a recent family vacation.
Chris and Ashlee Morris and family had only been asleep a couple of hours when they were suddenly awakened by blood chilling screams of their beautiful five-year-old daughter, Zoe Lee.
They bolted out of bed and ran through the house to the kitchen where she was standing, pulling at her tiny head, screaming, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" She was obviously in excruciating pain.
Ashlee, picked up Zoe to console her, and Zoe passed out and grew limp in her arms. They discovered that she had vomited in her bed, as well. (Continued below)
Zoe's happier healthier moments...
Quick thinking daddy, Chris, realized the situation was beyond their ability. He rushed them to the car and sped to a nearby 24-hour neighborhood emergency clinic.
After an exam there, the medical team informed them that their initial diagnosis was bleeding and swelling in Zoe's brain, and a possible collapsed lung, as a result of vomitting in her sleep.
They told Chris and Ashlee that there was nothing more they could do, that Zoe needed to be Life-Flighted via helicopter to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, Texas, one of America's leading children's medical facilities. Frantic calls for the chopper began.
(Continued below)
Zoe's mother, Ashlee, is Administrator for the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston. A prayer alert went out for Zoe. Zoe loves to pray for others.
After almost an hour, trying to get Lifeflight on the scene, they were told that there was simply no safe place to land the helicopter. An ambulance was called and Zoe and her parents were rushed to the Texas Medical Center, and emergency treatment began.
By 1:30 AM, Tuesday morning, May 23rd, 2017, approximately 20 ER doctors and nurses frantically sought to identify and prioritize Zoe's issues.
After another hour, she was moved to Intensive Care and a CT scan was ordered. It showed bleeding in the brain, a pool of blood (roughly the size of a golf ball) which caused swelling and pressure on the brain; and lung damage. An MRI was ordered. It revealed more, so an angiogram was scheduled.
The next morning, Zoe had an infection and fever of 103 degrees. The angiogram was postponed. More prayer support was called for. Within a few hours, the fever was under control and the angiogram was performed.
Dye was released through an incision in Zoe's groin, and rushed throughout her circulatory system revealing an AVM (arteriovenous malformation), which is a congenital disorder (one present at birth). It's a complex, tangled cluster of malformed vessels deep inside the brain. An aneurysm had occurred. One of those veins had ruptured and was bleeding.
Deep inside the brain was a worst-case revelation. Had the AVM been near the surface, surgically removing it would have been called for. In this case, the family was told that surgery could cause as much damage as the burst vessel. Zoe would be treated with meds, in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
If the bleeding could be stopped and the pressure on the brain could be lowered, perhaps in a year or two, they would attempt to seal the AVM permanently with radiation. (Continued below)
Zoe is also a worshipper. She loves the Lord and loves to sing. This is one of her favorite songs. However, it was a new arrangement she hadn't heard before. She finally got a handle on it.
Zoe was returned to her room in ICU where she would be treated and monitored. She was put in a medically-induced coma. Tubes, including breathing tubes would be inserted. (See photo above.) It would be important to control the swelling of the brain, or damage to the right side of her body, and damage to her speech and thought processes could occur.
She needed to be kept quiet. Only the immediate family would be able to be with her. It's commonly known now that in a medically-induced coma, the patient hears what's being said, but cannot outwardly respond. But their blood pressure and other internal measurements can be radically affected. They wanted to avoid that.
Tuesday morning, it was clear that the pressure on Zoe's brain was still too high. It should be in the teens, but was spiking to 40. Surgeons implanted an instrument through her skull to measure the pressure more precisely. By afternoon, it was clear that something needed to be done further, and quickly.
From the scans they'd taken, the surgical team met after dinner and spent 3-4 hours mapping Zoe's brain. The experts determined, what they hoped was the source of the bleeding, and how they might reach and remove the AVM cluster surgically. If they could remove those veins, the body would naturally compensate for blood flow to that area. But how to do it was the challenge they faced.
The neurosurgeon decided to cut a hole, about the size of a golf ball, drain the coagulated blood, and attempt to remove the AVM.
At 10:00 PM, the Morris and Smith families and friends gathered in the chapel. For the next three hours they prayed, worshipped and meditated on healing Scripture as the surgeons worked. God spoke to them, text messages came from across the country and around the world confirming what they were hearing from the Lord.
At approximately 1:30 AM Wednesday morning, 48 hours after admission, the Morris' and their friends received word that the surgical team had finished. One of the doctors said he was 95% sure they had succeeded.
Late Wednesday morning, May 25th, the pressure on the brain began to spike once more. The surgeons called for another angiogram, to see if they might have missed part of the AVM cluster, or there was further breakage.
THERE WAS NOT! The AVM had been completely removed. Nothing could be found. Upon further investigation the pressure seemed to be a result of one of the medications given. Once that was changed, the pressure level dropped to around 12-13.
(Continued below)
Mother and Daddy, Ashlee and Chris, speak comfort to Zoe in her room. We are told that she can hear, but can't respond in an induced coma.
Zoe is still unconscious. She is off blood pressure meds and no further bleeding has been detected. Already, her color is back. Facial swelling is down, No bruising is evident. There is a "hazing" on her lungs, which they are treating.
They have begun tube-feeding her Vanilla Pediasure, hoping that her digestive system will react properly.
The doctors are concerned about why her ICP (pressure on her brain), from time to time, continues to spike, then go down.
They maintain very limited visitation.
The important immediate goals are to keep the pressure on the brain at low levels; and to see the lungs healthy so the breathing tube can be removed; reducing medication to enable her to breathe on her own, and to be free from the tubes and IV's, pain-free.
UPDATE: Sunday, May 28, 8:30 AM
It's been several days since the post above. We (Zoe's family) are SO grateful for your generosity. We have no way to calculate the expense involved. For example, beyond the hospital, we don't know what post-op care or therapy may be required.
This morning Zoe remains in a medically-induced coma.
1) Infection and accompanying fever is under control. The temperature probe (just one of several tobes) that was inserted in her mouth, into her stomach, has been removed!
2) The docs are feeding her a liquid children's diet through the tube to her stomach, hoping to activate her digestive system.
3) Pressure on the brain, which kept spiking, and which is one of the more dangerous concerns, has stopped. The pressure gauge, called an ICP, that was inserted into Zoe's brain, has been withdrawn, and closed with four stitches.
4) Her catheter is now removed.
5) The opening that was cut in her head looks amazingly well. It's uncovered to allow it to heal quickly. We are grateful for the skill and care of the surgeons. It appears that her hair will even cover it.
6) There has been a concern about and signs of pneumonia. For that reason, they've left breathing tubes in place. We are hoping they can be removed tomorrow, Monday.
Occasionally, Zoe will awaken briefly and struggle to get up. The nurses will hold her until she falls asleep again. Although we have no way to know what control she'll have over physical movement (arms, legs, etc.), she can clearly move them.
She woke up last night and Ashlee (mom) began to sing to her. When Ashlee paused, Zoe would become agitated as if she wanted to say something in return. But with several tubes down her nose and throat, it's impossible...and must be uncomfortable.
Ashlee, softly told her "Zoe, you are going to be fine. Don't try to speak. I know you love us and we love you. Just let me do the talking for now. We love you and are with you. Just rest."
UPDATE: Tuesday, May 30, 1:30 PM
Our latest update was a 4:37 this morning. Her mother Ashlee reports:
"Zoe just had the clearest xray Ive seen over these last few days, oxygen levels are saturated at 100% she is comfortable right now. On the right track respiratory wise. Praise God! Thank you, night nurses Frank and Olivia.
Frank is our night nurse, we've been so blessed to have him, he loves Zoe and we can feel that. Keep praying for Zo"
Additional note from Grandfather, Eddie:
We have fought for clear lungs and for oxygenated blood. She is receiving periodic lung-clearing treatment that vibrates her chest and loosens phlegm, which can be removed.
Her blood oxygen level seems to be holding, for which we are very grateful.
Now we fight for:
1) An end to drug withdrawals.
2) Consciousness and recognition of family members.
3) No crippling or mental disabilities.
Thank you!
They have administered a med that miraculously removes any memory of these medical procedures.
Thank you for praying for Zoe, and we love love her. She is a remarkable gift from God.
We won't know how much, if any, damage has been done to Zoe's brain, speech, thought processes, and right-side mobility, until she can be removed from the coma. Nor do we know how much, if any, pain she may experience.
She could be faced with speech or physical therapy. We've not seen her eyes opened in four days. So we pray!
1. Please Pray
Would you stand with us in prayer for this family? Zoe's remarkable Father, Chris; mother, Ashlee; and older brother Zachary need heaven's strength at this time.
2. Please Join
Would you join our Facebook group to receive alerts on Zoe's condition.
Facebook Group: Pray4Zoe
3. Please Help With A Contribution Of Any Amount
This young family needs your immediate financial aid. Would you join us in helping them meet the financial challenges they now face?
They've been told to expect one or two more weeks in hospital. Hospital costs are already beyond staggering. Since that's yet to be determined, along with possible post-op care, medications, etc., our target amount above doesn't take that into account.
They can't imagine leaving her bedside should she awaken from her coma and they not be there, so they also have the other associated costs like missing work, travel to and from the hospital, and more.
Your generosity will mean the world to them, and one day to Zoe.
We are documenting all of this for her. Many have noted her love for God, her desire to worship and pray. Some have sensed that God has called her to the nations.
HAPPIER TIMESWith PawPaw Eddie Smith's healthy breakfast treat.
Zoe, Chris, Zachary and Ashlee
With loving cousin, Brooke Smith
With Grandmother Nancy Nolan.
Zoe and Brother Zach enjoying life
Mama Ashlee and brother Zachary in dad's truck
Zoe is a Mama's girl for sure, Mama says.
Pawpaw, Eddie Smith, lunch with Zoe at school.
Meme, Alice Smith, lunch with Zoe at school.
Lunch at school with Daddy Chris
Zoe and Bubba (Zach)
Zoe and Daddy. Daddy says she's a "daddy's girl."
Cousin Brooke, Zoe, and Brooke's brother, River.
Zoe's a lover of the outdoors.
Disney World enjoyed Zoe earlier this year.
Dear God, restore our princess, Zoe for Your glory!