Surgery to Save Sassie the Bulldog
Hello, my name is Lynette.
My 4 year old year bulldog is my whole world and has helped me with the grieving process of losing my husband (who passed away in June 2016).
She has also brought joy to dozens of families by bringing 18 beautiful puppies into this world, and I have donated serveral of these bulldogs to families with disabilities and children with cancer.
She brought joy to others, but is suffering herself.
Last November, she was rushed to the after-hours clinic because of breathing problems. The video shows the morning after I was bringing her home, and I was told that I needed to perform a highly specialized trachea surgery from someone experienced in her specific breed. This is considered a major surgery for bulldogs because of their short snouts and thin airways.
The vet bill at that point was $3,000, but unfortionately it was a very temporary way to postpone the issue and her condition has worsened to the point that this surgery is her only hope to survive.
Steroids, Anti-botics, allergy treatments, enviornment changes, and breathing treatments have all been unsuccesful and my vet whom I trust dearly and highly recommend is unable to perform such a specialized surgery, because of the risks involved and the unique expertise required.
She has, however, refered me to someone who can help save Sassie's life, and the cost for the procedure is $6,000.
I am asking for any donations to help with this, because I want to take care of this girl who has made me and so many other families happy and whom I consider a member of my own family.
My vet is High Country Veterinary Hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her name is Dr. Debrah G. (719) [phone redacted]
Thank you for donating to help me save Sassie!