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My mother, Joan Kevins, has been in our local hospital for three months, since April 29th 2017. I brought my mother to the hospital because I thought she may be dehydrated. She was given one bag of water IV and then I was told by a doctor that her kidneys were dead and she wasn't going to make it through the night. He said My mother had no options. It was told to me that I should let her go, and pass away, and reluctantly to say the least, and after many tears, I finally did. They moved her upstairs to die. I drove my son home and upon returning a while later, I entered my mother's room and I saw a bag of water and an antibiotic IV hanging and hooked into her arm. A nurse came in and said " some people who work in this hospital have other agenda's, and I advise you to get your mother into the ICU immediately, because she can recover." So of course I agreed and my mother went to ICU. Joan did recover.
But then she started getting all kinds of other things wrong with her, too many to mention here, but would be glad to tell any of you privately. Eventually even ended up on a ventilator for three weeks! Which now I am questioning it all in my mind. Which she recovered from all 100%. During all of this the hospital asked me every single day if I wanted to get hospice for my mom? And every single day I said NO. Then meeting's were requested by the top people in the hospital and myself. Five meetings and all to push me to get hospice. Every time I refused. I was threatened and it appears lied to in order to get me to go along with hospice care. My mother doesn't want hospice, and myself, my sister and brother didn't and don't want hospice for her. It went so far as I had to get attorneys for my mother to keep her from going to hospice!
It is still every American's right to reject hospice care if they don't want it. My mother wants to die when she dies, not when she is forced too. This hospital is keeping my mother there and will not release her, against our wishes and hers. I am told that her rights are being violated. They have lied to me, and appears are now lying to my mother's attorneys. They state my mother is terminal, and she is not. They say death is imminent, and that definition in the dictionary is death in hours to days. Well, three months have gone by and my mother is fine. One of the legal experts working for my mother said that what I am seeing is just the dawn of what is coming in healthcare. I was told, if you are older and you may need medical attention, they don't want that. And what I'm told, insurance will not pay hospitals anymore if you are not guaranteed to fully recover and live an active life, which must be stated by more than one doctor. And hospital's don't really want the person to come back again etc.. Well, who decides what is active? THEY DO..
If my mother ends up staying in the hospital much longer she may end up dead. She is also in a room all by herself with no stimulation or interaction. I am so blessed and thankful to have my mother still with me and she wants to come home and be with her family. Her children and grandchildren miss her so much. My mother worked most of her life, paid her taxes, and never even needed or used her insurance, and this is the treatment she gets?
I know some of you remember my mom from growing up, and some of you don't. I'm asking you today that if it touches your heart, or you feel led to help pay the attorney's fees and/or anything pertaining to my mother getting released from the hospital, then please give what ever you can. It is headed to court and will go before a judge. She has to pay for experts to come in and examine my mother so they can go to court for her. Please help my mother get out of the clutches of these hospital people who do not care about her. I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it for myself.. Please, please help save my mother Joan's life? Remember, I'm told this is starting to happen all over America, older loved ones ( and people who "don't matter" to them) lives can be in jeopardy.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and from Joan's heart, for reading and caring. Also if you would, please, please " share" ...
~ Thank You ~ Regina Kevins
Gina Kevins Hamel
Jensen Beach, FL