Africa Swim Outreach Volunteer
Tax deductible
Help Save Lives in Africa!
The end of the summer is always bittersweet for me. As kids go back to school and swimming lesson chaos settles down, I transition into fall with a fresh perspective thinking, “What’s next? Who needs my skills?”
So there I am- contemplating the next step, when I receive an e-mail asking me to go to Uganda for Africa Water Safety Outreach 2017, an initiativej aimed at sharing Water Safety Education and Drowning Prevention in Africa.

As I drink my purified spring water, I read that 95% of children fetch water for their home livelihood from valley dams, open wells, rivers, lakes and other open water sources. In 97% of African districts, children cross rivers and other water bodies as they walk to school. They are exposed to drowning risks every day.
They asked for help from Face in Water. I know the World Health Organization Drowning Statistics. This breaks my heart. What can I do?
Feeling at least a little useful, I tell them I can send swimming and water safety curriculum for the event. They thank me and tell me more about the event:
– 9 African countries are attending the outreach
– 300 children will learn how to swim
– 50 adults will learn to swim and be trained as swim instructors
Then they ask me the perfect question at the perfect time…
“Can you or a member of your organization be able to travel to Africa to help?”

Uhhhhh…no! Yes? Yes! How can I say no? Here I am looking for purpose and it came right to me. If there is one thing I can help with, it is teaching children how to swim and training instructors.
I think of these sweet children, making their way to Lake Victoria so they can provide water for the family. I think of the kids walking miles to school because their desire to learn is strong enough to cross rivers. Because water and education are valued.
I ask about funding for the long trip to Africa. They explain that I will need to be a volunteer, as they are fundraising to provide accommodations for the 50 Instructor Trainees so they don’t have to canoe 30+ miles daily for the training. I laugh to myself about my first-world problems and assure them that I will be there. Especially if someone is willing to canoe 30 miles a day to learn from me!
Face in Water (501c3) is sending me to Uganda, Africa September 30. It’s the next logical step. I can change drowning statistics. I don’t have much time, but I know I can do this with some help. Just a share or a like or a forward. Advice on traveling in Africa. Positive vibes and thoughtful prayers. Mosquito repellent. Anything and everything helps. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you.
Every donation helps!This is a VOLUNTEER effort, so money raised will cover travel expenses, preparations, accomodations and food.
The end of the summer is always bittersweet for me. As kids go back to school and swimming lesson chaos settles down, I transition into fall with a fresh perspective thinking, “What’s next? Who needs my skills?”
So there I am- contemplating the next step, when I receive an e-mail asking me to go to Uganda for Africa Water Safety Outreach 2017, an initiativej aimed at sharing Water Safety Education and Drowning Prevention in Africa.

As I drink my purified spring water, I read that 95% of children fetch water for their home livelihood from valley dams, open wells, rivers, lakes and other open water sources. In 97% of African districts, children cross rivers and other water bodies as they walk to school. They are exposed to drowning risks every day.
They asked for help from Face in Water. I know the World Health Organization Drowning Statistics. This breaks my heart. What can I do?
Feeling at least a little useful, I tell them I can send swimming and water safety curriculum for the event. They thank me and tell me more about the event:
– 9 African countries are attending the outreach
– 300 children will learn how to swim
– 50 adults will learn to swim and be trained as swim instructors
Then they ask me the perfect question at the perfect time…
“Can you or a member of your organization be able to travel to Africa to help?”

Uhhhhh…no! Yes? Yes! How can I say no? Here I am looking for purpose and it came right to me. If there is one thing I can help with, it is teaching children how to swim and training instructors.
I think of these sweet children, making their way to Lake Victoria so they can provide water for the family. I think of the kids walking miles to school because their desire to learn is strong enough to cross rivers. Because water and education are valued.
I ask about funding for the long trip to Africa. They explain that I will need to be a volunteer, as they are fundraising to provide accommodations for the 50 Instructor Trainees so they don’t have to canoe 30+ miles daily for the training. I laugh to myself about my first-world problems and assure them that I will be there. Especially if someone is willing to canoe 30 miles a day to learn from me!
Face in Water (501c3) is sending me to Uganda, Africa September 30. It’s the next logical step. I can change drowning statistics. I don’t have much time, but I know I can do this with some help. Just a share or a like or a forward. Advice on traveling in Africa. Positive vibes and thoughtful prayers. Mosquito repellent. Anything and everything helps. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you.
Every donation helps!This is a VOLUNTEER effort, so money raised will cover travel expenses, preparations, accomodations and food.
Kim Shults
San Diego, CA
Face in Water