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Hope for Anna

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I'm reaching out to you because I've started a GoFundMe for my friend’s daughter, Anna (“Hope for Anna ”/ “Harelquindiva ”). Many of you know Anna and her family. For those of you who don’t, let me introduce you to this wonderful little person. Anna was born in the fall of 2017 with a rare and debilitating condition called Halequin Ichthiosis. Because Anna requires constant care, her mother has had to quit her job to stay home with her. Consequently, their household income has been drastically reduced while their expenses (all associated with Anna’s care) have significantly risen.

I would like to help the family by raising money both for Anna’s care and for her mom to be able  to stay home with her for as long as possible.

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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Radmila Haviland
Lloyd, NY
Jennie Wilklow

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