Combat 'Fake' News with 'Real' News
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By now everyone in the country has heard about the right-wing fake news outlet Breitbart News. It was owned and operated by white nationalist neo-Nazi Steve Bannon and partners until conservative tech-billionaire Robert Mercer had him fired at the behest of President Donald Trump after he failed to deliver a victory for former Judge Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate election against Birmingham Democrat Doug Jones. We covered that campaign as well or better than any news outlet in the country for the New American Journal and were able to make a significant difference in that special election: https://www.newamericanjournal.net
Breitbart is not in the news business to make money from web ads and clickbait like all the other for-profit news outfits in the land. It is funded by Mercer to turn the country to the political right in a way that makes the efforts of the Koch brothers look tame. He is on a mission to destroy the credibility of long-standing mainstream news organizations in America. I have been a critic of the MSM since I began publishing independently on the web back in the 1990s, but these guys want to turn the United States into a confused, cowed oligopoly. They will use the Christian right in this endeavor, even though they don't care one whit for "Christian values."
The New York Times and the Washington Post are now saying they are "sanguine" about their financial futures, but even they admit there is a crisis in local news. I wrote about this from our base in Washington, D.C. in October. You can read all about it here.
The State of Objective Journalism and Democracy in Trump’s America: https://www.newamericanjournal.net/2017/10/the-state-of-objective-journalism-and-democracy-in-trumps-america/
So we have been developing a plan to create a new kind of news outlet for a long time to take on both the MSM and the likes of Breitbart News. Telling both sides of the story is not enough. Telling one side of the story in a partisan way is not the answer either. The point is to dig and find out the truth and explain it to the millions of desperate people out there searching for it online. This is objective, explanatory journalism at its best and it is needed more than ever in this climate of yellow journalism and sensational clickbait and corrupted social media, where data from Facebook has been illegally obtained and used to manipulate voters.
That's why we need your help. We are actively looking for investors to take this operation to a whole new level, but until we find the right ones, there is much we can do with small donations from readers like you. If you also see the problem out there on Facebook and Twitter and agree that something needs to be done, you can read more about our philosophy here.
How We Are Going to Fund the New Free Press: https://www.newamericanjournal.net/2017/04/how-we-are-going-to-fund-the-new-free-press/
Every dollar we raise will be put to good use paying the expenses to cover real news. We are not in this for the money. But it takes money to cover news. We need updated computer and camera equipment, for example, as well as basic travel expenses to pay for gas, food, etc. so we can go where news is happening and cover it in person. We are not partisan in outlook. We are just interested in finding ways to make government and democracy work.
Won’t you click on the link and make a small contribution today? You will be glad you helped. We will appreciate every dollar, and work hard every day to earn your trust.
My real name is Glynn Wilson, and I approved this message. I am the editor and publisher of the New American Journal, D.B.A. LocustForkPublishing LLC-S. Donations here are not tax deductible. They are transferred to a business bank account at a national bank and are used exclusively to pay the expenses of traveling to places where news happens for the sole purpose of gathering news, writing news and publishing news on the web.
For more information about this, check out this link.
Contribute to Fund Real Journalism
Breitbart is not in the news business to make money from web ads and clickbait like all the other for-profit news outfits in the land. It is funded by Mercer to turn the country to the political right in a way that makes the efforts of the Koch brothers look tame. He is on a mission to destroy the credibility of long-standing mainstream news organizations in America. I have been a critic of the MSM since I began publishing independently on the web back in the 1990s, but these guys want to turn the United States into a confused, cowed oligopoly. They will use the Christian right in this endeavor, even though they don't care one whit for "Christian values."
The New York Times and the Washington Post are now saying they are "sanguine" about their financial futures, but even they admit there is a crisis in local news. I wrote about this from our base in Washington, D.C. in October. You can read all about it here.
The State of Objective Journalism and Democracy in Trump’s America: https://www.newamericanjournal.net/2017/10/the-state-of-objective-journalism-and-democracy-in-trumps-america/
So we have been developing a plan to create a new kind of news outlet for a long time to take on both the MSM and the likes of Breitbart News. Telling both sides of the story is not enough. Telling one side of the story in a partisan way is not the answer either. The point is to dig and find out the truth and explain it to the millions of desperate people out there searching for it online. This is objective, explanatory journalism at its best and it is needed more than ever in this climate of yellow journalism and sensational clickbait and corrupted social media, where data from Facebook has been illegally obtained and used to manipulate voters.
That's why we need your help. We are actively looking for investors to take this operation to a whole new level, but until we find the right ones, there is much we can do with small donations from readers like you. If you also see the problem out there on Facebook and Twitter and agree that something needs to be done, you can read more about our philosophy here.
How We Are Going to Fund the New Free Press: https://www.newamericanjournal.net/2017/04/how-we-are-going-to-fund-the-new-free-press/
Every dollar we raise will be put to good use paying the expenses to cover real news. We are not in this for the money. But it takes money to cover news. We need updated computer and camera equipment, for example, as well as basic travel expenses to pay for gas, food, etc. so we can go where news is happening and cover it in person. We are not partisan in outlook. We are just interested in finding ways to make government and democracy work.
Won’t you click on the link and make a small contribution today? You will be glad you helped. We will appreciate every dollar, and work hard every day to earn your trust.
My real name is Glynn Wilson, and I approved this message. I am the editor and publisher of the New American Journal, D.B.A. LocustForkPublishing LLC-S. Donations here are not tax deductible. They are transferred to a business bank account at a national bank and are used exclusively to pay the expenses of traveling to places where news happens for the sole purpose of gathering news, writing news and publishing news on the web.
For more information about this, check out this link.
Contribute to Fund Real Journalism

Glynn R Wilson
Mobile, AL